Rámcový článek

Prewar events

Results of the First World War
World War II is sometimes referred to as a continuation of World War I. The main reason for its outbreak was the dissatisfaction of many countries with its results. Japan had not strengthened its control of China and intended to change that. Italy switched from the Triple Alliance side to the side of the Agreement, which eventually put it on the winning side. But its territorial gains were far from satisfying Italian politicians and the public. The greatest tensions existed in defeated Germany. It lost considerable territory, had to pay high war reparations and was allowed to maintain only a very limited armed force. In Italy the discontent was such that by October 1922 Mussolini's fascists had already marched into Rome and taken power.

The Soviet state
Another anti-systemic element was the existence of the Soviet state. This replaced the Russian Tsarist regime and in addition attempted to spread the communist revolution to Europe. Although Poland stopped the Soviet expansion, a wave of Soviet republics swept through some Central European states, further destabilizing the post-war situation. Russia then went down the road of building communism in one country. The country underwent nationalisation, collectivisation, the over-construction of an industrial base and the building of a large army. All this was accompanied by widespread and cruel repression. Nevertheless, the Soviet state presented itself outwardly as the flower of democracy and intended to expand. Stalin's foreign policy was at least to restore pre-war borders, but ideally to dominate the whole of Europe.

The attempt to secure the status quo
In 1920, the League of Nations was formed to provide a platform for resolving disputes between states on the basis of collective security and disarmament. Instead of war in the field, debate, negotiation and arbitration were to be conducted in this forum. The existence of the League of Nations was to be one of the means of maintaining the Versailles arrangement. Although President Wilson was a great supporter of the League, the United States did not ratify the treaty and did not become a member because of opposition from senators. America closed itself off into isolationism. Another element was the Locarno Agreements of 1925, which secured the Franco-German border. But the problem going forward was that it did not address Germany's eastern border. Here, any disputes were to be settled by arbitration. In 1928, the Briand-Kellogg Pact was signed, which forbade the waging of offensive war. The only exception was self-defence.

Economic crisis
The existing arrangement was shaky despite all efforts, although the second half of the 1920s was a relatively prosperous period. But then came the crash of the New York Stock Exchange in October 1929 and the Great Depression, which brought a major economic downturn and social disruption.

A militaristic regime emerged in Japan, which embarked on a path of expansion. In 1931, the Japanese provoked the so-called Mukden Incident, after which they occupied Manchuria and proclaimed the puppet state of Manchukuo. Although the League of Nations did not recognize it, it did not take any significant action against Japan.

Nazi rise to power
The economic and social upheaval in Germany in the early 1930s resulted in the rise to power of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. The National Socialists rejected the existing order, despised the non-Aryan races, and longed for an explosion that would bring living space, especially to the east of Germany. On 30 January 1933, Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor and the Nazis began to reshape Germany. In 1935, they reinstated conscription and expanded the reorganized the armed forces. In the same year, the Saarland was annexed. Mussolini basically got away with invading Abyssinia, so Hitler took a gamble and remilitarized the Rhineland in March 1936. Great Britain and especially France did not react to this in any significant way.

The Spanish Civil War
In July 1936, civil war broke out in Spain. Nationalist forces led by General Franco fought against the left-wing Republican government. Germany and Italy joined the conflict alongside Franco, while the other side had the support of the Soviet Union and the inter-brigades. This was not a blitzkrieg. Franco wanted to proceed slowly and thoroughly. He wanted to take over a country cleansed of enemy elements as far as possible. For the foreign participants, Spain became a testing ground for new weapons and tactics. This was especially true of tanks, armoured vehicles and the air force. The latter attracted particular attention with the bombing of Guernica in April 1937. Two years later, the Nationalists won the war.

Japanese invasion of China
In July 1937, the Japanese staged the Marco Polo Bridge incident and subsequently launched the invasion of China. Soon after, Shanghai fell, followed by the capital Nanking in December. The conduct of the Japanese conquerors here was in the nature of a war crime and has gone down in history as the so-called Rape of Nanking. The Japanese committed huge and brutal massacres of disarmed soldiers and civilians. The numbers killed, tortured, mutilated or raped ran into hundreds of thousands. In the following year, first in May, Suzhou fell, and in October, Wu-chan. The Japanese hoped for the collapse of the Chinese government's ability to mount organized resistance, but it relocated to Chongqing and continued to wage war.

Japan-Soviet border conflicts
In the second half of the 1930s, there were a number of minor border skirmishes between Japanese troops in Manchuria and Soviet or Mongolian troops. In 1938 and 1939, the Japanese lost two battles to the Soviets. First in late July and August 1938 at Lake Khasan and then from May to September 1939 at the Khalchyn River. These two defeats led to the weakening of the army wing that supported Japan's expansion northward. Japan concluded a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. The naval clique in Tokyo gained the upper hand, betting on southward expansion.

Austria and Czechoslovakia
Germany, too, was expanding. In March 1938, Hitler carried out the Anschluss of Austria. Neither France nor Great Britain reacted significantly. The next logical step for the Nazis was to pressure Czechoslovakia. Hitler demanded territory largely inhabited by the German minority. Great Britain and France eventually relented and reached an agreement with Hitler in Munich at the end of September 1938. Although French Prime Minister Daladier was doubtful, British Prime Minister Chamberlain and France's unpreparedness for war convinced him. Czechoslovakia had to surrender the so-called Sudetenland to Germany on the basis of the Munich dictate, and in addition had to surrender some territory to Hungary and Poland. Many Czechoslovaks were expelled from their homes. Although the German Chancellor claimed that he had no further territorial claims, by March 1939 Germany had already occupied the rest of the Czechoslovak territory, on which a protectorate was declared. Slovakia became independent, but at the cost of losing further territory and of political, military and economic dependence on Germany.

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the War against Japan[/heading]

Phase defensive

Invasion of French Indochina
In November, 1939, japanese troops landed on the coast of the chinese province of Kuang-si, and shortly after occupied the city of Nan-ning. This virtually cut off the central China access to the sea and a large part of foreign aid. Stocks but to China flowed from French Indochina, mainly around the strategic railway from the port of Haiphong in the Kun-ming in the chinese province of Yun-nan. Also thanks to this artery, the chinese forces managed to stop the japanese advance a few tens of kilometers northeast of Nan-ning. France in June 1940 surrendered in the war with Germany, and French indo-china came under the management of the new vichy government. Even a change of circumstances in France, or the japanese experiments on the decommissioning of the railway by bombing the transport stopped. The japanese therefore decided to occupy northern Indochina, and thus eliminate the last possibility, how to China to transport a greater amount of inventory because the road through Burma or air routes could not at that time provide an adequate substitute. The japanese concentrated the invading forces on the island of hainan and in Guangxi province. Vichystická the government tried to invade to distract the 22. September 1940 signing of the agreement, according to which the Japanese might have to place a certain amount of units in Indochina. The japanese unit 5. division general Aketa Nakamura however a few hours after podespání agreement have crossed the sino-indo-chinese border and tried to occupy the strategically laid the city of Lang Son. A brigade of French indochinese colonial troops along with a unit of the French foreign legion here offering resistance to 25. September. After his break with the Japanese opened the way to Hanoi. In motion in addition to strength of hainan. 24. on the morning of September carried out on-board the aircraft strikes against targets on the coast. 25. September japanese troops landed south of the Haifongu and marched on the city, which in the meantime became a target of air raids. 26. September French resistance ceased. The japanese occupied the northern part of French Indochina, and cut off as China. We could put troops into the southern part of the French possessions, but we did not use. Now focus on the consolidation of past gains and preparing for the next discharge.

8. December 1941
Further expansion of the japanese empire began to 8. December, respectively 7. December on the opposite side of the international date line. Japanese troops on that day, attack on Pearl Harbor, the islands of Guam and Wake, Thailand, British Malaya, hong Kong and the Philippines.

Attack on Pearl Harbor
8. December, respectively 7. December hawaiian time, attacked the japanese on-board the aircraft from the destination to the Hawaiian islands. The japanese did not intend the Hawaiian islands occupy, their goal was to knock out the american Pacific flotu. It would be Japanese enabled to conquer the american, british and Dutch territories in the Pacific, without them Americans could effectively defend. In addition would gain the time, because the USA started a massive naval armaments program, and the Japanese, it was clear that it will be only a matter of time when will the american fleet significantly higher than the japanese fleet. In the ideal case, the loss of the pacific naval forces by the Americans bring to the negotiating table on such a truce, which would suit Japan. At 7:48 pm hawaiian time attacked in two waves of 353 on-board aircraft of various types on the vessel Pacific flot in the port of Pearl Harbor, the port facilities and the hawaiian airport. The japanese strike was a surprise and that day was the port damaged by sixteen vessels. However, thirteen of them managed to sooner or later bring back into service. In addition to at the port were not carriers, that damage avoided. Vice admiral Chūichi Nagumo didn't want to risk and his group departed for the return of the second wave, thereby missed the opportunity of even more damage to port facilities and to delay the renewal of america's ability to lead the naval war in the Pacific. Although he was a Pearl Harbor japanese tactical victory, strategically it was a failure. American Pacific flota although it suffered considerable losses, but was able to quickly regenerate and soon had the Japanese to inflict considerable wounds. The attack also led to the fact that the Americans declared war on Japan. 11. December sounded the opposite of Germany with Italy war on the United states, on which the US has responded reciprocally the same day. The fact that the Japanese attacked without a formal declaration of war was after the war condemned as a war crime.

Invasion on the islands of Guam and Wake
The island of Guam to protect a small group of american sailors and marines. 8. and 9. December carried out the japanese air force from Saipan several raids on targets on the island. 10. December the Japanese landed at two points and the same on Guam occupied. A little longer resisted the Americans on Wake island. The japanese island first from 8. December was bombed by aircraft from the republic of the Marshall islands, and 11. December try on the landing. The american defenders but managed to invading repel the attack, while the Japanese sank a destroyer, Hayate and Kisaragi. American command even attempted to send to the island more reinforcements, but the news about the presence of japanese aircraft carriers and battleships near the island of Americans have led to the cancellation of operations. The japanese made a second attempt on the invasion 23. December, this time also with the support of two aircraft carriers, which sidetracked on the way from Pearl Harbor. This attempt was successful and the island had fallen that day.

Invasion of hong Kong
The japanese air force 8. December morning attacked the airport Kai and other destinations in hong Kong. That were discarded even so, the already minimal air force. Most of the vessels was lifted in the Singapore, so the defense of the enclave provide a basically just a small infantry units, primarily from Canada, and local volunteer corps. The commander of the defenders decided that it makes no sense to put resistance on the boundary river between hong Kong and mainland China. Instead, his forces have taken up position along the so-called line of drinkers of gin between Kwaifongem and Šatinem. Roughly in the middle of this line was fort Šingmun. 10. December to this line closer to the unit the japanese 38. division and the same day took the said fortress. Defenders, she managed to after a short time to get back, but the Japanese her in the next attack definitely occupied. Disruption of the defensive line meant that the maintenance of Kowloon and the rest of the so-called New territories became impossible. 11. December, therefore, began a two-day continuing the evacuation of the island of hong Kong. 15. December the Japanese began an island shelling and bombing. 18. the evening of December překočili Kowloonský bay and landed on hong kong island. During the 19. December have conquered most of the island, the forces of the commonwealth is held just to the west of the island and on Stanley peninsula. Was running out of them but water supplies and it was clear that the situation do not have a chance to reverse. 25. December is therefore the governor of hong Kong Mark Young surrendered to the japanese commander. Great Britain lost the first crown colony.

the Invasion of Thailand
Japanese troops entered from Indochina to the southeast and at the same time the land south of the Bangkok and at several places in the isthmus of Kra. The thai air force, the army and the police on the několiak places put a brave resistance, but the Japanese managed to advance so quickly, that at midnight, declared thai prime minister Plaek Phibunsongkhram truce. Thailand, therefore, fell during one day and in December signed the treaty of alliance with Japan, and in January declared war on the United states and Great Britain.

the Invasion of British Malaya
In parallel with the invasion of Thailand have made 8. December the Japanese also invade British Malaya. In the early hours of the morning landed at Kota Bharu on the northeast coast, and proceeded slowly to the south. Two days later these forces joined units, which is 8. December landed in the southern tip of Thailand. You now proceed along the west coast. The british attempted to counterattack to Thailand from the town of Kroh towards Pattani, but that was quickly repulsed. Another disaster was the fact that japanese planes 10. December succeeded to the entire property to sink a battleship HMS Prince of Wales and battle cruiser HMS Repulse. Invaznímu the air force has managed to eliminate the british air force. 13. December broke through at the town of the Morning on the west coast and then moved rapidly to the south, although in Kamparu them british troops dealt a significant loss and partly their progress slowed. During the battle on the river Slim but there were two brigades of 11. the indian division basically destroyed and 11. January 1942 the Japanese occupied the Kuala Lumpur. In mid-January arrived, the japanese forces into the southern malaysian state of Johore. Here at the town of Gemas hit 14. January units of the australian 8th. the division, which is here sedulously prevented. To the japanese, but managed to at the price of substantial losses to flank. 20. January carried out the Japanese auxiliary landings at Endau, the city occupied, but in the process of to the south is slowed down, the resistance to the australian forces. The british forces now held in the southern tip of the malay peninsula south of the line Batu Pahat–Kluang–Mersing. Commander of british forces general Percival received 27. January, permission from the commander of the headquarters of the ABDA general Wavella to the evacuation across the straits of johor strait to the Singapore. 31. January ceased organized resistance the british forces against the japanese troops in Malaya. The japanese are here now přeskupovali and preparing for an invasion into the Singapore.

Invasion of the Philippines
For the Japanese accounted for the Philippines an important goal for three reasons. They wanted to prevent the possibility that the Americans could use as a staging area for operations against Japan, they counted them as a supply base and the starting area for the expansion into the Dutch east Indies and they needed to keep them under control also therefore, to have a secured line of communication between the parent islands and the occupied territories. 8. December 1941, japanese troops landed on the smaller island of Batan, north of Luzon. Two days later, followed by a landing on the island of Camiguin and the Viganu, Aparri, and Indeed, on the island of Luzon. 12. December the Japanese landed at Legazpi on southern Luzon. 19. December made Japionci landing on the island of Mindanao. 22. December came to the main landing in Lingayenském gulf. The defenders attempted to Rosario on the counter-attack, but were beaten back. The following day, added the Japanese landing in Lamonském gulf. From this field started immediately proceed to Manila. There were supposed to meet with the troops advancing from the north. 24. December the Americans began to withdraw to the peninsula of Bataan. 6. January the Japanese peninsula isolated. Week the Japanese were preparing and then for the american positions were attacked. The procedure but it wasn't nearly as fast as expected. The best units and a large part of the air force was withdrawn to prepare for the next operation. However, after the arrival of the reinforcements, the Japanese managed to break through the american defensive positions and 10. April the peninsula occupied. Defenders but still kept on the island of Corregidor. The japanese began 1. may heavily shelling in the night from 5. 6. may on landed, and 8. may they accepted the surrender of the american forces. These were also the units that are held in other places of the philippine archipelago American and philippine troops eventually surrendered and initial operations certainly were not guided in any way successfully, but the final stubborn defense cost the Japanese a lot of energy. These lost forces, means and time to them then missing elsewhere.

Cast Singapore
From 3. February was Singapore the target of air and artillery bombardment that disrupted the preparations for defense, destroyed a large part of the aircraft on the airports and connection between the various allied units. 8. February the evening began to the Japanese přeplavovat across the strait towards the north-west part of the main island, where they encountered the australian defender, which began to gradually forced to the south-east. The australian and indian troops, meanwhile, built up a defensive line between the strands of the rivers of the Jurong and Kranji east of the lost airport in Tengah. The japanese, meanwhile, 9. úbnora pushed re the other part of the coast west of the embankment between the Singapore and the mainland. The commander of the indian division on the eastern part of the coast tried to occupy the hill south of the embankment. The australians, meanwhile, because of the erroneous interpretation of the orders downloaded to the east from the line Kranji-Jurong, which the Japanese immediately occupied. The subsequent attempt to regain this area ended in a fiasco. Instead, they attacked 11. February once again the Japanese and conquered Bukit Timah, where in addition was the main warehouse for food and fuel. The japanese, which was low on supplies, meanwhile, urged the defenders to surrender. You don't want to give up and have prepared a plan for the conquest of the area in Bukit Panjang and subsequently also the area in Bukit Timah. Action but lead to success and the defenders began to withdraw to the city Singapore. 13. February the japanese engineers repaired the causeway linking the island with the mainland, which allowed the supply of additional heavy equipment. 14. February Japanese prolomoli defense on the south coast and moved east. 15. February broke through the defenses and other places and the situation in the Singapore starting to be very critical due to the constant bombing. To the japanese, but also petered out quickly supplies. Luckily for them but the then commander of the defenders chose to surrender instead of trying to counterattack, which had a chance of success, but neither he nor his subordinate commanders that at the time didn't think. Singapore 15. February fell.

the Invasion of British Borneo and the Dutch east Indies
13. December set sail from Indochina, the japanese invasion of the formation, which 16. December arrived this morning to the shores of Borneo, and landed at Miri and Serie. This was followed during December and January the next landing on the coast of Sarawak and North Borneo (Kuching, Jesselton, Sandakan). Their aim was mostly oil fields or nearby airport. North Borneo surrendered on 19. January. After the decommissioning of the british part of sousotroví, should follow a blow to the Dutch part. Scheduled was in three main directions - west, middle and east. The first goal of the western direction was Dutch Borneo. 11. January the Japanese landed on the island of Tarakan, 23. January was followed by landings at Balikpapanu and 10. February japanese troops invaded on the south coast of Borneo. Quickly progressed and the japanese forces in the eastern part. 11. January, landed on the northern tip of the Celebesu near the city of Manado, 24. January at Kendari and at the beginning of February in Makassar. Meanwhile, at the end of January occupied the Amboinu and in February, Timor and Bali. The western group of 14. February parts of the forces landed in Sumatra. The remaining units went to west Java. 28. February shortly before midnight, landed the first troops at Merak and others soon followed suit in Bantenském gulf. Early in the morning 1. march there on the shore were all the planned units. Meanwhile, another Japanese 1. march landed at Subangu. East Java has become the re units of the eastern group. You have landed also 1. march and west of Surabaje. The japanese moved rapidly forward, and 8. march Java surrendered.

Invasion of the New Guinea and Bougainville
22. January the Japanese landed on the island of New Ireland. Early in the morning 23. January followed the landing at Rabaul. The australians resisted only briefly and then withdrew into the jungle. But the Japanese 9. February landed at Gasmaty and soon occupied the whole island of New Britain. 5. march from Rabaul headed out the next part of the units to the cities of Lae and Salamaua, which is located in Huonově bay on the east coast of New Guinea. 8. march there without much resistance ashore, and the area occupied. Nothing changed not even the air raid of 10. march, which has taken the aircraft from the aircraft carriers Yorktown and Lexington. In April, japanese troops have completed the cast of the Dutch east Indies, when they gradually landed at various major points on the west and north coast of Dutch New Guinea. During march and April, the Japanese also occupied the island of Bougainville, which is part of the Solomon islands, and started here to build air and naval bases.

Doolittlův nálět to Tokyo
Planners in Washington while they were putting together plans, but the public needed some success, which would pozvdihl morale after Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the Prince of Wales and Repulse. This had become an unexpected air raid on Tokyo led by medium bombers from the decks of aircraft carriers, which was untried novelty. The aircraft then had to land and stay in China. The commander of the group of bombers was appointed lieutenant colonel James Doolittle, who had a available crew of 34., 37. and 95. squadron 17. bomber group and from 89. a reconnaissance squadron. The raid was to be carried out adjusted bombers B-25. Pilots have a special training on Eglinově airport in Florida. 1. April was sixteen machines B-25 in Alameda loaded on the aircraft carrier Hornet.

Battle at Coral sea
The japanese tried to take over the city and the base of Port Moresby in New Guinea. This would have occupied a foothold the allied forces, which to him counted as one of the stepping stones for a planned counteroffensive, and the even more endangered northern Australia. Prepared thus, the plan, which counted with the cast of the island of Tulagi in the Solomon islands, the cast of the louisiade archipelago, which lies off the east tip of Guinea, disembarking at Port Moresby. Part of the japanese naval forces had to cover for the invading forces, the other part (including the aircraft carriers Shokaku and Zuikaku) had to fight a battle with the american union. The japanese correctly assumed that their actions will force the allied troops to arrival in the area. Their carriers like to strike a deadly blow. American and british intelligence services were able to capture and decipher messages of the japanese navy, so they had a pretty good idea of japanese intentions. Sent to the area three piece group, taking as a basis the two of them was the aircraft carrier (Yorktown and Lexington). On the way there was another task force with two aircraft carriers (Enterprise and Hornet), but it did not arrive in time. 3. may the Japanese landed on the island of Tulagi and started building a base. 4. may at them take air raid aircraft from the Yorktown and push them appreciable losses, however, the Japanese continued with the construction and after two days already from there it took off their planes. 6. may american bombers from Australia unsuccessfully attacked the invasion force bound for Port Moresby. The two strike groups for the first time met 7. may. Both the morning sent its aircraft at poorly identified targets. The japanese destroyed the american destroyer Sims and the supply tanker Neosho. Americans, in turn, sank the japanese light carrier Šóhó. Afternoon surgery is no fundamental result have not brought. 8. may morning, the two strike groups noticed and sent against each other its on-board aircraft. The japanese planes flew in one common formation, the american machine flew in two groups. A group from the Yorktown badly damaged the Shokaku, a group of Lexington damage increase. Zuikaku, the first group saw and the second group couldn't intervene. Shokaku had to sail for repair to Japan. Undamaged Zuikaku withdrew to Rabaul. Japanese pilots severely damaged the Lexington, which went after a series of explosions to the bottom. The Yorktown was also damaged, but managed to download. The japanese may have won the battle of the Coral sea from a tactical point of view, since the enemy planted a harder blow, however, from a long-term strategic point of view have suffered a loss, as they had to cancel the pursuit of the conquest of Port Moresby by sea, and in addition, they damaged the aircraft carrier was missing at Midway.

More fighting in New Guinea
When the Japanese failed attempt to capture Port Moresby from the sea, they tried to get around the country. 21. July landed in the field of guinean villages of Buna and Gona, which without major problems quickly occupied. From this area, wanted to break through to Port Moresby after Kokodské trail through the Mountains of Owen Stanley. Fighting in this mountainous part of eastern Guinea was racing from July to November. The japanese want their position to improve the cast Milneova gulf. While in the cast Buny and Gony them MacArthur couldn't stop, this area was going to defend. 25. August is here, the Japanese landed and tried to advance into the interior. They initially fared well, but the 31. August launched the Australians counter-offensive and pushed the Japanese back. You with 5. September from the area completely downloaded.

Cast of Nauru


Strikes on Australia
19. February air strike on Darwin.

Strikes in the Indian ocean

Phase of the defensively-offensive

Battle of Midway

Phase offensively-defensive

The second world war was from a strategic point of view for the United states of america novelty. For the first time in its history had to lead a fight on two fronts. The basic strategic approach was the principle that the first will be defeated by Germany and only after it comes to Japan, however, the american armed forces have led for a number of reasons the war in the Pacific with greater intensity than it might on the basis of this postulate to expect. The main representative of the us armed forces on this battlefield, the navy along with the marines, however, even the ground troops here allocated a sky-roughly one-third of its resources. This ability of the american armed forces and the american economic complex in Japan assumed only a minority of officials. This error in the strategic estimate should be for Japan to fatal consequences.

Japanese strategies
The japanese empire entered the war with limited objectives and the intention of the carve out is through limited war. Japan wanted to ensure control over the resources, which were located in southeast Asia and China, and create the so-called Great east asian sphere of mutual prosperity under japanese tutelage. For this purpose, it was from his point of view necessary to conquer the relevant territory and to secure between them the lines of communication. Japanese management has to believe that the optimal means to achieve this objective will be the destruction or neutralization of the american strike threats in the Pacific. This represented the pacific maritime clusters in Pearl Harbor and the far eastern air group in the Philippines. After should japanese forces seize Malaysia, the Dutch east Indies, the Philippines, Wake island, Guam, the Gilbert islands, Thailand and Burma. Subsequently, they should build a defensive perimeter on the line of the Kurily, Wake, the Marianas, the Carolinas, the Marshall islands, the Gilbert islands to Rabaul on New Britain. There should be a perimeter curl direction to New Guinea, the Netherlands, India, Malaysia, Thailand and end up in Burma. The japanese commanders assumed that under this condition should be japanese forces able to fend off frontal assaults against the perimeter and force the exhausted Allies to conclude a truce, which Japan maintained most of the territorial gains.

The japanese were quite successful in the realization of their attack plan and at the beginning of 1942, basically reached the intended perimeter. Their assumptions concerning the development in the U.S. but have proven to be quite odd. The attack on Pearl Harbor unified american public opinion, which until then was about the possible entry into the war divided and lukewarm, at best. The view of the public and the political scene is now vastly changed. The united states now significantly accelerated the mobilization of military forces and economic resources. Despite considerable initial difficulties, gradually Japan grew opponent, who didn't have a chance to stick long-term step. And this adversary had no desire for a limited war and half-peace negotiations, but had intended to through total war, giving Japan a hard setback that will force him to unconditional surrender. The americans had no intention to wage war according to the japanese notes. Indeed, already in February and march 1942 small task force aircraft carriers conducted strikes on the Marshall islands and the islands of Wake and Marcus. Began to also air raids of bombers from bases in Australia on the key japanese base at Rabaul. In April, followed by a raid of army medium bombers from the decks of aircraft carriers on Tokyo. The raid did not cause significant damage, but it was a clear symbol that the Americans are fully committed to fight against Japan with all available means.

At the same time, Americans have significantly increased and accelerated our work on the construction of lines of communication between the US and Australia through the islands in the south Pacific. Grew here to the base, and were here placed to the crew with the guns. These points are then together with Alaska, Hawaii, and India could become a boarding space for the campaign against the japanese empire. The allies were going to amass enough forces to be able to threaten japan's perimeter from multiple directions. The japanese should lose the advantage of interior lines and strategic initiative. Japan namely not enough available forces and resources to face attacks in all directions.

The japanese the danger, realized this and tried to make the communication line between the US and Australia cut the enlargement of the perimeter. In the spring of 1942 they attacked from Rabaul to Guadalcanal and Tulagi in the Solomon islands and occupied Attu and Kisku in the Aleutian islands. However, their main objective was the island of Midway, which get failed. In the naval battles of the Coral sea and a Midway in addition, have lost much of their best naval pilots and planes. The battle of Midway was the turning point. The japanese lost their naval superiority and the strategic initiative. Left the pursuit of the damming of the american lines into Australia in the South Pacific and on the contrary started to fully concentrate on strengthening the defense perimeter. Like to lead a gruelling fight, which would have brought the US to the negotiating table.

First american offensive: Guadalcanal and Papua

in General
Pre-war plans while counting on the drag of Hawaii central Pacific to the Philippines, but the Americans have quite logically decided to first focus on elimination of threats for the communication line to Australia. The committee of the united joint chiefs of staff 2. July ordered the execution of a series of operations in the south and southwest Pacific with the aim of delisting the japanese base at Rabaul on the island of New Britain, thus, the Allies would gain control of the bismarck's island chain. The japanese would have lost a key point in its perimeter.

The series of operations was divided into three phases. In the first stage should force Headquarters jihopacifické the area of vice admiral Ghormleyho, which in November was replaced by admiral Halsey, to occupy bases in the southern part of the Solomon islands. In the second stage should be jihopacifické forces to advance the Solomon islands, while the force Headquarters jihozápadopacifické the field of general Macarthur were given the task to proceed to New Guinea after the area near the cities of Lae and Salamua. In the third stage both clusters connect at Rabaul and together clean up the rest of the Bismarck archipelago. The first phase should take place under the supervision of adminála Nimitz, who commanded the Headquarters, pacific ocean areas, which has in charge the coordination of operations in the northern, middle and southern Pacific. The second and the third stage should take place under the strategic supervision of general Macarthur. The committee of the united joint chiefs of staff retained the final control over the allocation of tasks, resources and timing of operations, thus has played the role of a coordination point between the Nimitzem and Macarthur.

The american attack began at 7. August 1942. On that day, 1. marine division landed on Guadalcanal and nearby islands in the southern part of the Solomon islands. The japanese to this island but I certainly didn't intend to easily give up. Hoping that the near the great base at Rabaul and Truku providing them with sufficient advantage. From August to November conducted six maritime counter-attack, approximately one month after the landing were rampant air battles and on the island have been dispatched considerable military forces. American forces suffered a number of shortcomings. They had to significantly improve logistics and to send out additional air, sea and especially ground forces. On the island so arrived 2. division of the marine corps, 25. infantry division, a division of Americal, one separate regiment and a number of smaller units. But in the end, the american predominance has shown, and U.S. control of the island keep. In February of 1943 in addition made to land on the nearby Russell islands. On the conquered territory immediately started to build air and logistics base, which should enable further progress.

Papua New Guinea
The japanese pursuit of the procedure to Port Moresby from the area of the towns of Buna and Gona across the Owen Stanley forced Macarthur to respond. In mid-September the Japanese were only about thirty kilometers from this important port. Australian ground forces carried out a counteroffensive and pushed them Japanese back to the Cells and Goně. You are here buried, and created a strong defensive perimeter. The allies had to deploy two australian division, american 32. infantry division and one other american infantry regiment, to here the Japanese after four months of hard fighting and at the cost of high losses, knocked out of the game.

Next steps
The allies on both the battlefields convinced that the Japanese are resilient and capable fighters, but not invincible. They also gathered numerous experiences from the field of combat in the jungle, the use of air forces and logistics. The japanese in addition in the fighting have lost considerable funds, which could not so easily replace. After Guadalcanal, and the initial battles of Guinea, the pace of operations slowed down. Halsey and MacArthur primarily gathered forces and prepared the base for the next procedure. The japanese, meanwhile, tried to move to Guinea, and the remaining part of the Solomon islands reinforcements. The main supporting points should be of Rabaul, Lae and Munda on the island of New Georgia. But not always should the japanese supply convoy of happiness. In march 1943 a battle in the Bismarck sea. Large japanese convoy here looked at the us air force and has taken in cooperation with part of the naval forces of several strikes against the japanese forces. The japanese lost a considerable number of vessels and a larger number of soldiers, who in the Lae arrived in a very compressed amount of. In the following months, the Japanese unsuccessfully tried to eliminate the american strength in the air using their aircraft from Rabaul and from aircraft carriers přisunutých from Karolín.

Phase offensive

Crystallization of allied strategies
Plan of the procedure on the four axis
In the spring and in the summer of 1943 at the allied conferences gradually finalised the strategy for the defeat of Japan. The main objective was to control the south China sea and the fight for a bridgehead on the chinese coast. It would have blocked off the japanese lines of communication in a southerly direction and allow the establishment of bases from which it would be possible to lead against Japan with the bombing campaign, and set up its naval blockade. Where appropriate, carry out the invasion of the japanese parent islands. First was envisaged with the procedure on several axes. Americans should proceed from the south and southwest Pacific to the Philippines and from Hawaii towards the west. British and chinese forces were to proceed by land through Burma and China and by sea from India through the Netherlands east Indies, Malacký strait and Singapore. In this framework worked out, american officials plan to complete the campaign against Rabaul and other procedure in the Philippines. Join him another plan for the procedure through the central Pacific. At the same time they offered the British and the Chinese a significant air and logistical support in Burma, so there may be progress, that would open the supply line to China.

Aleutian islands and Myanmar
At this time also, the Americans ruled out after careful consideration of the axis through the north Pacific. Limit is only there to clean up the area of the Aleutians from the japanese forces. In may 1943, on the island of Attu landed 7. infantry division and after three weeks of hard fighting destroyed japanese garrison. In August, take the us-canadian clusters landing on the [Edit, but found that the Japanese island abandoned recently yourself. Combat operations in the north Pacific continue to be restricted just for the occasional blitz bombers on the Kurily. Combat units have been moved to the middle of the Pacific, followed by part of the forces from Alaska. In January 1943, at Casablanca, the Allies agreed on operation ANAKIM. In the fall of 1943 was to be commenced operations on the acquisition of Burma and the opening of routes to China. Part of the operation was to be a british amphibious assault on Rangoon and ground offensive into central Burma. From the north should follow the chinese units. A plan that was too ambitious, as its implementation continuously lacked sufficient resources. Towards the end of the year came the Americans to the conclusion that after the sea they get to the chinese coast earlier than the British for the country.

Campaign about two axis
At the conference of the SEXTANT, it was agreed that the main effort against Japan will be conducted primarily around two axes. Operations on other battlefields should only have a helping role. Středopacifická line procedure led through the Gilbert islands, the Marshall islands, the Marianas, the Carolinas and Palau to the Philippines or Taiwan. Středozápadopacifická line led across the northern coast of New Guinea and the peninsula of Bird's head to the southern Philippines. Both routes should complement each other and not one of the officially designated priority, although a number of factors unofficially prefer the middle route. The official equality allow to maintain flexibility and lead strikes there, where he had the opportunity. The central route offered a possibility of a great naval engagement, in addition, mastery of the Marian would make it possible to ensure the base for the raid of heavy bombers, the B-29 against the parent islands. The southwest route was a little shorter and allow for the broader use of the air force. Both lines should intersect in the areas of Taiwan, Luzon, china coast. The southwest route of the logically pointing to the Philippines. The middle route could be finished off in the Philippines or in Taiwan. This question was being left unanswered and should be resolved subsequently according to the situation.

Other procedure on jihozápadopacifické route - operation CARTWHEEL

New Georgia and Bougainville
In June 1943, the restored MacArthur and Halsey procedure on Rabaul. The overall plan of the operation envisaged a series of successive offensives. Each of them should ensure occupancy of the space, which could be provided by the air support for the next procedure. The first series kicked off at the end of June. Macarthur's forces land on the islands; and Kiriwina off the east coast of New Guinea and south of the town of Salamaua. Halsey's forces land on New Georgia in the central part of the Solomon islands. At the beginning of August to ensure Americans New Georgia, including the airport Munda. Then, in October, landed american and new zealand forces on the island of Vella Lavell, which is located between New Georgia and the island of Bougainville. At the end of the month Novozélaňdané together with the american marines landed on the islands Treasury and Choiseul. Ensure the base for the assault on Bougainville. To him, the marines in tow with 37. infantry division landed in November. In the Solomon islands took the Japanese numerous counterattacks in which they lost many ships, planes and men. Loss here to facilitate the american process middle the Pacific, which began in November. In this month Americans also ensure a sufficient perimeter to the Bougainvillu, whose full cleanup took many months. The perimeter but managed to build the air base.

MacArthur, meanwhile, continued on the offensive in Guinea. American 503. paradesantní infantry regiment occupied at the end of September the airport in Nadzabu and the australian unit then cleaned the Lae and Salamauu and went north on the Huon peninsula. At its western end in January 1944 landed the part 32. infantry division that tried to block the path of the retreating Japanese. But before the Allies managed to the area to close, missed most of the japanese forces to Madangu, gulf Hansa and Wewaku.

MacArthur and Halsey in the meantime, gathered forces for an attack on Rabaul, but the joint chiefs concluded that the strike would entail too many casualties, resources and time. Ordered to Rabaul surrounded and subsequently destroyed by air raids. The base for the further procedure should be created on the Admiralitních islands. In mid-December 1943, american army troops landed on the southwest coast of the island of New Britain. After the end of the month on the north shore landed 1. division of the marine corps. In mid-February 1944 to ensure new zealanders air force base on the Green islands. At the end of February, then landed 1. equestrian division at Admiralitních islands. The marines occupied in mid-march the island of Emirau, even with the air base. Meanwhile, the units on the New Uk ... occupy more and more part of the island. The great japanese base at Rabaul was isolated. In a similar situation was also the base of Kavieng on the island of New Ireland.

Procedure after středopacifické axis starts

Task group with new vessels
The procedure of the american forces in the south and southwest Pacific in 1943 depended primarily on the support of aircraft launched from land bases, which restrict the length of individual jumps. The navy had only a limited number of carriers, which in addition not the ideal conditions in the narrow waters of New Guinea and the Solomon islands. However, from mid-year, the service introduced new aircraft carriers. It was a bigger and faster class ships Essex and light ships of class Independence. Around these vessels left the admiral Nimitz to draw up a naval task group, which was always ad hoc, created according to the needs of the operation. The foundation consisted of aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines and to them was added another vessel such as minesweepers, supply ships and other supporting machines. On the wide waters of the middle Pacific could this group provide naval and air support for far longer leaps. Pacific flota was still in the emergency room, so she could go to a meeting with a major japanese flotou.

Gilbert islands
The procedure began 20. November 1943. Nimitz sent from Hawaii unit of the marine corps and the army on the Gilbert islands, where they get the base, which would then serve as a support when jumping on the Marshall islands. 27. the division landed on the island of Makin, who, after four days of hard fighting occupied. 2. division of the marine corps at the same time landed on Tarawa, where she ran into fanatical resistance of the japanese defenders. During the three days here the Americans suffered considerable loss, but the island acquired into their own hands. In the Gilbert islands passed the test for american amphibious doctrine, tactics and equipment. Found there were shortcomings in the field of naval artillery support, the coordination of air support and the connection between the vessels and the forces on the beaches. Here the experience gained were compared with those, which the Americans recruited in the southwest Pacific. Subsequently, adjustments have been made in the manner of conducting the amphibious fight, which has remained without major changes until the end of the war in the Pacific. In the first stage, the naval and air force to isolate the target and reduce his defensive resources. Subsequently, should be made real or illusory strike against another target in the immediate area, which should confuse the enemy. At the moment, when to the beach close to the invading vessels with naloděnými units, should be done intense, the final air and naval bombardment of the invasion beaches. If it was possible, were allocated the smaller detachments to occupy the adjacent smaller islets, and them set up a firing position for artillery, which could then provide direct support. The invading units were closer to the beaches in waves. Part of the waves should be boats fire unguided missiles. Behind the first waves of infantry were to follow the vessel loaded with tanks and amphibious tractors. Then had to land the main part of the infantry, taků, artillery and other support forces. After securing the beachhead and entering into a phase of his expansion was to start a quick supply of inventory, to keep the pace of the procedure.

Marshall islands
The japanese on the loss of the Gilbert islands respond particularly vigorously, and so could the Nimitz at the end of January 1944, with focus on eastern and central part of the republic of the Marshall islands. Their goal was the islands of Majuro and kwajalein atoll. Forces of the marine corps and the army both islands quite easily occupied, even if the Japanese on Kwajalein, fought resolutely and essentially to the last man. On the island of Majuro, it even was just one petty officer, although it was a pretty important point. Thanks to the convenient conditions, because the Americans could in the local lagoon to build a large forward naval base, whose importance diminished when the cast of the atoll of Ulithi. The rapid success has enabled to speed up the procedure and already 17. February to perform a landing on the atoll Eniwetoku in the western part of the republic of the Marshall islands. The atoll was after several days of difficult fighting cast. The day before additionally, the u.s. námořnictvi taken strike the aircraft carriers of the japanese naval base on the atoll of Truk. The japanese forces already but have not been as strong as expected and american aircraft in addition, a large part of the ships destroyed or damaged. It was therefore decided that the invasion of the atoll, which was scheduled for June, is no longer required. Nimitz decided that in the middle of June instead shall carry out a strike against Marianám and then in the September attack on the western part of the Karolín. The pace of operations in the central Pacific so again accelerated.

the Pace of progress is accelerating

Adjustment of the plan for further action in the Pacific
Even the forces under the command of general Macarthur progressed faster than envisaged in the original plan. Need to Admiralitních the islands of the land a month earlier. MacArthur proposed to cancel operations against the gulf Hansa and Wewaku on the northeast coast of Guinea. Instead he wanted to in April to occupy the town of Hollandia and Aitape, which lay roughly in the middle of the northern coast of Guinea. That would be the acceleration of two months. From Hollandia wanted to continue along the coast to the peninsula of Bird's head, from which he wanted to skip to philippine Mindanao. The committee of chiefs with this change agreed. MacArthur had in April to conduct a strike against the desired objectives, plus, he was available to support task force of aircraft carriers of the Pacific flot. Follow the had June Nimitzův jump to the Mariana islands and in September the cast of Palau. Nimitz should be available to the main forces of the Pacific flot, while MacArthur had to make do with what was available. In November he had a general to get the support of the main Pacific flot in the attack on Mindanao. Chiefs in Washington for the time being they didn't want to decide on the further direction. MacArthur therefore given the task to prepare a plan for the invasion of Luzon and Nimitz plan for the invasion of Taiwan at the beginning of the year 1945. Regulation Committee of the united joint chiefs of staff of 12. march represented the basis for the pacific operations in the spring and in the summer of 1944.

at Hollandia and Aitape
22. April Macarthur's forces landed at Hollandia and Aitape. Both objectives without major problems occupied. Under the protection of the aircraft from Hollandia then Americans in the middle of may, occupying the island of Wakde and his air base. Before disembarking on the island first conducted the away team on the mainland, allowing them to facilitate the subsequent conquest of the island. In the following period of approximately two months occurred on the Guinea to ground fighting, among other things made themselves known to the japanese forces of Wewaku. Despite this, the Americans already at the end of may landed on the island of Biak.

Battle of the Philippine sea
The leadership in Tokyo wanted to once again take the initiative. The japanese navy in the philippine waters prepared for the encounter with the Americans at the Marian, which is expected sometime in June. American planes from the area of the Biak but undermine the japanese training, as it is both followed, both for them to attack. The japanese assessed as an unacceptable risk for the right side of their forces and have sent therefore a considerable part of the forces to the island, to t the local troops and the Americans out. On the bases within range of Biak also moved about half of the air force from the marianas, Karolín and Palau. After two partially successful attempts to reinforce Biak, the Japanese attempted a third, this time with a relatively large maritime group, which should handle the american naval forces near the island. On the way to him, the Japanese learned of the presence of the u.s. Pacific flot at Marian. The japanese turned back and tried to regroup. Compared to the original plan lost the element of surprise, the expedition of forces to Biak lost time and for the same reason, to have the support of a large part of the air force. It is therefore not surprising that the Americans, the Japanese have provided in the naval battle of the Philippine sea, a crushing defeat. This success of the american forces was facilitated by the activities MacArthurových forces on Biak. On the contrary this win greatly facilitate the completion of the fighting on Biak and also the invasion of the Mariana islands.

Cast Marian - Saipan, Guam and Tinian
Nimitzovy units in mid-June, landed on Saipan, which then brought the three-month bloody battle. More than Saipan in their hands, landed on Guam and on Tinian. On these islands, the Americans started to build the air base, which since November flying the bombers B-29 missions against the japanese parent islands.

Biak and Noemfoor
Stiff japanese resistance on Biak slowed the cast of the best airfields on the island. At the beginning of July so the american forces have successfully conducted the combined paradesantně-an amphibious landing party on the neighboring island of Noemfoor, which was located in the three airports.

Sansapor and Morotai
At the end of July 6. infantry division landed at Sansaporu on the northern coast of the peninsula of Bird's head and in the middle of September 31. infantry division occupied the island of Morotai, which lies between Guinea and the island of Mindanao. Journey to the Philippines from the southeast was free.

Carolina - Peleliu and Ulithi
At the same time Nimitzovy forces have been to Palau. 1. marine division landed on the island of Peleliu and 81. infantry division on the island Ngaur. One regiment of this division then occupied the atoll of Ulithi, in which the navy has established important forward berth. Capturing strategic points on the Marianas and the Carolinas opened the way to the Philippines from the east. Some palauské islands may still be fighting until November, but further accelerate the pace of procedure in the Pacific meant that these islands played such a significant role, as suggested by the original plan.


Deciding on further action - Luzon or Taiwan
The procedure for the two axes with the american troops in September 1944 příblížily on the threshold of their strategic objective - the triangles between the Luzonem, Taiwan and the chinese coast. Now it was necessary to decide what will be the main objective in that area. Already since the summer was the subject of heated debate. MacArthur mad passionate about for the procedure through the Philippines to Luzon, thereby přetly japanese lines of communication to the south, set up a base for bombing Japan, and its subsequent invasion. The US would also have exhausted its commitment to the philippine people. Admiral King, vigorously held the opinion that the best way to shorten the war in the Pacific is strike from the marianas and Palau against Taiwan. Then I counted the landings on the chinese coast, jeý would předchzelo landing on the japanese parent islands. In his plan û even the Philippines, however, the King counted only with the cast of selected points in the southern and central parts of the private, where it should be built air bases to support further action. Taiwan offered a better strategic position for further action and the japanese lines of communication would be cut off better than Luzon. But it also had disadvantages. His conquest would require more forces, which but not Nimitz enough. Moreover, the Japanese from Luzon could threaten allied lines of communication to invasive forces. His role in the final decision was played by and the importance of the fight for a bridgehead on the chinese shore. The situation in China has not been far from optimal and the Mariana islands provided air bases from which it was above Tokyo, about as far as from Taiwan. The invasion of the Philippines and on Taiwan would require the cooperation of forces from both the existing pacific os of the procedure. Move Nimitzovy highly mobile task groups was much easier than to perform the same operation with MacArthurovými units. Macarthur plan was that the smaller landings on the southern part of Mindanao in November 1944, by building up air bases and with náledným more landings on Leyte in the eastern parts of central Philippines in the second half of December. Then should the american forces in February 1945 to carry out large-scale landing in Lingayenském gulf. Nimitz planned to invade the island of Yap in the Carolinas in October 1944 and then make the invasion of Taiwan at the moment, when they will be available forces Pacific flot, which will be needed during operations in the southern and central part of the Philippines. Luzon and Taiwan didn't throw at them simultaneously, because for both operations was the need for forces Pacific flot. The decision was made on the basis of other knowledge. In mid-September to take Halsey's task groups of aircraft carriers, which supported the invasion on the Morotai and Palau, also strikes against targets on the southern and central Philippines. Came here on a surprisingly weak japanese air force. Even the activity of the land and naval forces was not very high. MacArthur and Nimitz then the Committee of the united joint chiefs of staff proposed to carry out the invasion straight to Leyte, bypassing Mindanao. Nimitz agreed that Macarthur has one corps of three divisions, which just set off from Hawaii and should be used against Yapu. Washington approved the proposal. Macarthur it has opened the way to Luzon. Argued that will be able to make the invasion of Luzon in the already December 1944, while the planners of the landing in Taiwan counted on to February of the following year, and it was also the more optimistic estimate. Nimitz was now clear that Luzon will win. He therefore proposed that his forces were twisted against Boninovým islands. On iwo jima to landing in January 1945 and on Okinawa, then in march of the same year. At the beginning of October so admiral King acquiesced in the Luzonem. Command in Washington then ordered Macarthur to conduct the invasion of Luzon in December 1944 and Nimitz to invade the Boninovy osrtovy at the beginning of the year 1945. China completely fell out of the plans for the procedure in the Pacific. Next steps counted with a naval blockade and by bombing Japan from the marianas, the Philippines and Boninových islands with subsequent invasion of the maternal islands.

The invasion of Leyte began on 17. October landings 6. a battalion of rangers on the islands in the Leytském gulf. The navy at the same time engaged in mine clearance operations. The main blow on followed by 20. October 1944. On the northeast coast of the island at the same time land four army divisions. The amphibious phase including naval artillery and support aircraft from the escort aircraft carriers oversaw vice admiral Kinkaid, who commanded the naval forces Headquarters jihozápadopacifické area. Ground forces commanded by the commander of the 6. army lieutenant general Krueger. Army air force directed the generálplukovík Kenney. Theoretically, he was the unified commander of the operation, general MacArthur, but there was one significant exception. The third flota admiral Halsey with Task group of fast carriers of vice admiral Mccain, that Macarthur forces to provide strategic support, fell and remain under admiral Nimitz. Halsey was the commander willing to take risks, had a rather autonomous position and in addition had command, that his priority task is the liquidation of the japanese flot. Support the invasion force could at the discretion of sideline. This disunity of command during the entry into the Philippines also manifested.

Battle in Leytském bay
The japanese initially assumed that they will defend mainly on Luzon, but the american invasion at Leyte is made this intent to reconsider, because the cast of this island would mean danger for the whole of the Philippines. So they began to send to Leyte reinforcements, moved to the Philippines the next aircraft, which was to attack the american vessels, and sent their remaining naval forces into the Leytského gulf to destroy Kinkaidovy the invading forces. The landing on Leyte so doprovodial the great air and naval battle in the Leytském gulf. Halsey willingly turned their aircraft carriers to the north, in order to capture a japanese vessel, thereby noticeably reduce the protection of the invasion force. Kinkaidovy elderly battleships and aircraft carriers so themselves had to fend off another part of the japanese naval forces. Their heroic defense to ensure the safety of the units in the invading area. Lacked but little and non-compliance with the principle of unity of command could end in a disaster. Indeed, Halsey for his decision to see how great of praise, harsh criticism. Anyway, the japanese navy was decimated, and in other battles already played a more important role.

Ground operations on Leyte
Ground troops, meanwhile, moved forward. Their procedure but slows down with bad weather, which slows down the supply of, delaying the construction of airports, limited air support and allowed the Japanese summoned reinforcements. The americans would react to that amphibious flanking operations, when the land 77. infantry division on the west coast of the island of Leyte. Towards the end of December already 6. the army occupied the major part of the island, on which could start the construction of airports and warehouses. Unit Eichelbergerovy 8. the army treated the mountain range in the northwestern part of the island until spring.

for the Invasion of Luzon
While the fighting on Leyte still continued, they landed the Americans on Luzon. Missed it according to the plan, but the delay shouldn't large. The first step was to capture the air base on the island of Mindoro. Two infantry regiments in mid-December a total of easily mastered. 9. January began his own invasion of Luzon. Four army division that landed in the Lingayenském gulf. The japanese navy here doesn't agree with just to the attacks of the kamikaze. During the three days they had the Americans on the mainland five divisions, a separate regiment, two artillery groups, an armored group of the rear unit and started with the procedure to the south across the plains of Luzon towards Manila. The japanese army commander in the Philippines, general Yamashita was not going to defend the plains and Manila. Instead, he moved the main part of its troops to defensive positions in the mountainous areas. Forces of the navy of his plan ignored this and decided to defend Manila and the adjacent port. When the american troops 3. February arrived, erupted fierce fight from house to house. The americans, meanwhile, in mid-February landed in the south of the peninsula of Bataan. The next day take the paradesantně-an amphibious strike on the island of Corregidor. Gradually, they were cleaned of other islands and parts of the coast. In mid-march 1945 I could into Manila bay to enter the allied vessels, however, the full commissioning of the port still required a lot of effort. Reinforced 38. infantry division landed in Subickém gulf and přetla Bataan. 11. the airborne division has taken amphibious and paradesantní landings in the southern parts of the island. 158. infantry regiment landed on the south-east of Luzon, to ensure Bicolský peninsula. To clean up the luzonských mountain fortified areas had MacArthur to deploy ten divisions and several other infantry regiments. The americans helped with the construction and supply activities of a considerable part of the Filipinos. At the end of June, 1945, on Luzon, with the exceptions stopped the japanese organized resistance. These areas are but they have held up to the end of the war.

Southern Philippines
While 6. army led the fight on Luzon, freed 8. the army of the southern Philippines. 28. February one regiment 41. infantry division landed on the island of Palawan. The engineers here have built air base, which was to block the japanese lines of communication to the south and support the process in the southern Philippines and in Eastern India. 10. march another regiment of the division landed near the town of Zamboanga on Mindanao. Shortly after began to army units with the procedure to Borneo through Suluské islands. Other units 8. the army taken in rapid succession, landing on the philippine islands of Panay, Cebu, Negros, Bohol, in the central and northern part of the island of Mindanao, and eventually in its southern part in the gulf of Sarangani. Organized resistance here, the Japanese ended at the end of may, although the diesel after-treatment continued until the end of the war.

1. may australian brigade landed in support of the aircraft from the island of Morotai and in the southern Philippines on the island of Tarakan in Borneo. 10. June is one australian division landed in Brunejském gulf. Second then 1. July has taken an away team at Balikpapanu.

Iwodžima and Okinawa
Since there has been a delay in the landings on Luzon, refrained from even land on iwo jima, as both axes had to use the services of the same vessels and on-board aircraft. The landing on iwo jima there was to 19. February 1945, when the island landed 4. and 5. division of the marine corps. 3. marine division is engaged shortly after. The japanese have placed a fanatical resistance, and took the marines a month before iwo jima occupied. At the end of march from the island operated on a fighter aircraft. Engineers also have begun the construction of přistávaích runways for bomber aircraft and other bases for the fighters. Invasion of the archipelago of the Ryukyu islands began to 26. march. On that day, 77. infantry division landed on the islands of Kerama to the west of Okinawa. The Americans have secured a forward operating naval base. Then 1. April in Okinawa, landed 2. and 6. division of the navy along with the army 7. and 96. infantry division. In the second echelon were deployed two additional army divisions and one regiment of the marine corps. 16. April followed the away team 77. division on Iedžimě. 26. June, the Americans made a landing on the island of Kume. The japanese on Okinawa do not impede the space of the beaches. Namsto that hid in the caves and tunnels in the hills. Furiously then defended every defensive position and put an organized resistance to the second half of June. Infantry greatly helped by supporting fire from naval guns and support aircraft of the army, the navy and marine corps. Cast positions on the archipelago, the Ryukyu islands to the Allies provided naval and air force base not far from the japanese parent islands. At the beginning of may started american fighters from Okinawa to carry out strikes on targets in Japan. Soon they were joined by even bombers. The american vessel gained a conveniently located base for the disruption of lines of communication, and attacks against the coast.

Japanese surrender

Preparations for the invasion
In June and July, carry out on-board the aircraft and aircraft from bases on the Mariánách, Iwodžime and Okinawa daily air raids over Japan. In July, fired at a surface vessel of the u.s. Pacific flot japanese east coast. To them is added the vessels of the british Pacific flot. Surface vessels, submarines and aircraft combed the Pacific and virtually destroyed the japanese lines of communication. Japan thus lacked too many stocks or of the areas that still had under control. After the surrender of Germany, the US began to moving men and material from Europe to the Pacific. The objective was to prepare for the invasion of Japan on 1. November 1945. Plans for implementing the processing of MacArthur and Nimitz. MacArthur was now the commander of all army forces in the Pacific and Nimitz held the same function in relation to the forces of the sea.

Political situation
In mid-summer 1945 was prozíravějším japanese makers clear that there's nothing left to fight and end the war neodvartně approaching. In June there was an attempted negotiations for peace through the Soviet svau, with which Japan had closed a non-aggression pact. But already in Tehran, Stalin the Americans and British promised that the USSR would enter the war against Japan. In Yalta, it was agreed that this happens three months after the surrender of Germany. In Potsdam the Soviet union their commitment confirmed. The potsdam declaration called on Japan to immediate surrender. The american president at that time decided that orders the use of nuclear weapons, if the Japanese will not end the resistance. The mood in Japan may have changed, but the conditions of the Potsdam declaration the Japanese in a timely manner are not accepted. And so it happened, that 6. August brought down the american B-29 bomber from the base to the Mariánách the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 9. August followed the dropping of nuclear bombs on Nagasaki. On the same day the Soviet union entered Manchuria. The following day, asked Japan for peace. The surrender was signed 2. September in Tokyo bay aboard the battleship USS Missouri. The second world war ended..
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Geografické dělení

Rozdělení na dva či tři základní celky
Geograficky lze rozdělit druhou světovou válku různě. Vždy bude záležet na tom, ve které geografické lokaci se pozorovatel nachází, zda nahlíží pohledem spíše geografickým či spíše pohledem operačním a na tom, jak moc chce jít do hloubky. Lze se tedy setkat s různými pohledy a věc navíc komplikuje to, že různé celky je možno vertikálně dělit do různého množství celků a podcelků. Roli hraje i subjektivní pohled autorů publikací. Běžně se ovšem děje druhé světové války dělí na dvě základní části - evropskou (válka proti Německu a jeho spojencům) a pacifickou část (válka proti Japonsku). Pacifická část je někdy nazývána jako asijsko-pacifická část, často dochází rovnou k rozdělení na dva samostatné geografické celky. Tak vznikají tři základní celky: Pacifik, Asie, Evropa. My se zde budeme držet tohoto rozdělení n atři základní celky, které pak ještě budeme dělit na jednotlivá válčiště. Vodítkem pro rozdělení tří základních celků na jednotlivá válčiště a jejich následné geografické vymezení nám bude kombinace těchto faktorů: existující úzus v pramenech primární a sekundární povahy, charakter operací v jednotlivých podcelcích, existence spojeneckého velitele pro dané území, praktičnost pro další použití na tomto foru.

Dělení pacifického celku
Pacifický celek se dělí na tři válčiště: Pacifickou oceánskou oblast (zahnruje především většinu ostrovů v severním, středním a jižním Pacifiku), Jihozápadopacifickou oblast (zahnruje především Austrálii, Guineu, Nizozemskou východní Indii a Filipíny) a Jihovýchodopacifickou oblast (relativně úzký pás jižního Pacifiku západně od střední a jižní Ameriky).

Dělení asijského celku
Asijský celek se dělí na dvě válčiště: Dálněvýchodní válčiště (zahrnuje především Čínu, Mongolsko, dálněvýchodní oblast Sovětského svazu a Koreu) a Jihovýchodoasijské válčiště (zahrnuje Britskou Indii, Barmu, Thajsko, Francouzskou Indočínu, Britskou Malajsii, Singapur, Cejlon a část Nizozemské východní Indie).

Dělení evropského celku
Nejvíce je rozvětvena evropská část. Ta se vesměs dále rozděluje na samotnou Evropu (respektive její většinu), Středomoří a Blízký východ. K evropskému celku je připočítávána i oblast Atlantiku. Ke Středomoří je počítána i západní část severní Afriky, zatímco východní část severní Afriky a východní část centrální Afriky a Afrického rohu je zahrnována k Blízkému východu. Samotná Evropa je celkem značně fragmentována. Rozdělujeme ji na západoevropské válčiště (zahrnuje Norsko, Dánsko, Velkou Británii, Benelux a Francii, případně část Německa západní od řeky Rýn), středoevropské válčiště (zahrnuje oblast vymezenou německou hranicí s Dánskem, německou hranicí s Nizozemskem, řekou Rýn, hranicí Rakouska s Lichtenštejskem, Itálií a Slovinskem, maďarskou hranicí se Slovinskem a Srbskem, rumunskou hranicí se Srbskem, Karpatským obloukem, řekou San, řekou Visla, linií Varšava-Kaliningrad a polskou částí Baltu) a východoevropské válčiště (zahrnuje evropskou část Sovětského svazu, Finsko, Pobaltí, východní a jižní část Rumunska, Bulharsko a přilehlé části Baltu a Černého moře).


VálčištěGeografické vymezeníSpojenecké velitelstvíSpojenecký velitelPoznámky
Pacifické oceánské válčištěVelitelství Pacifické oceánské oblasti (POA)Nimitz
Jihozápadopacifické válčištěVelitelství jihozápadopacifické oblasti (SWPA)MacArthur
Jihovýchodopacifické válčištěVelitelství jihovýchodopacifické oblasti (SEPA)Bidwell
Dálnovýchodní válčištěČína, Korea, Mongolsko, dálněvýchodní část RuskaČankajšek
Jihovýchodoasijské válčištěJihovýchodoasijské velitelství (SEAC)Mountbatten
Západoevropské válčištěVrchní velitelství spojeneckých expedičních sil (SHAEF)Eisenhower
Východoevropské válčištěHlavní stan nejvyššího velení (Stavka)Stalin
Středoevropské válčištěSHAEF + StavkaEisenhower + Stalin
Středomořské válčištěVelitelství spojeneckých sil (AFHQ)Eisenhower -> Wilson
Blízkovýchodní válčištěBlízkovýchodní velitelstvíAuchinleck
Atlantické válčištěAtlantická flotaIngersoll


Na počátku roku 1942 se Britové s Američany domluvili na rozdělení strategické odpovědnosti. Spojené státy převzaly primární odpovědnost za pacifickou oblast a Velká Británie za oblast Blízkého východu a indickooceánskou oblast. Oblast Evropy, Středozemí a Atlantiku byla označena za oblast kombinované odpovědnosti obou západních spojeneckých mocností. Čína byla definována jako samostatné válčiště v čele s Čankajšekm, avšak s americké sféře odpovědnosti.
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