07.05.2019 - Česko-americké jednání o nákupu 16 vrtulníku UH-60 a AH-1Z v ceně 23 miliard Kč

The Pentagon approved the sale of 12 helicopters UH-60M Black Hawk and 4 Bell AH-1Z Viper with accessories in the projected cost of 23 billion Rubles. Negotiations on the possible purchase of the technology (either a 12 UH-60M, or 12 UH-1Y, or 8 UH-1Y and 4 AH-1Z) and copy of any final agreements with the final price will still continue.

URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#620475 Version : 0
The congress of the United states within the statutory time limit did not stand against the export of us military helicopters for the Czech army, according to us law, any export of helicopters is permitted. The american government may submit to the Czech government's offer for sale of 12 helicopters. The USA already in 2017 the Czech republic offered a multi-purpose machine UH-1 Venom. This offer is still valid. Now it complemented the other two options, according to which the Czech army can also take helicopters UH-60 Black Hawk and helicopters AH-1Z Viper.
Agency for defense cooperation (DSCA) as the maximum value of the purchase of 12 multi-purpose machines UH-1 Venom set in the year 2017 at $ 575 million (about 13.3 billion dollars), the variant with 12 multi-purpose machine UH-60 Black Hawk pna 800 million dollars (18.5 billion dollars) and the option to purchase four AH-1 Viper at 205 million dollars (around 4.7 billion crowns). Amounts, but contain the maximum possible amount of the contract, including weapons, spare parts, training of pilots or service. The final amount could be lower.
URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#620942 Version : 0

The U.S. does not guarantee the sale of the other helicopters
- if our government decided to purchase a combination of helicopters, Viper / Venom with avizovaným delivery in 2023, it is possible that another purchase of this equipment will no longer be possible, because the production will be terminated (or the price will be several times higher due to the resumption of production for small series). Helicopters for the USMC were already almost all made (160/160 Venomů and 134/189 Vipers), and the other 24 (12 and 12, respectively, 12 and 15 according to the wiki) machines Viper ordered Bahrain, and Pakistan (for Pakistan has already been reportedly made 9 machines, which, however, still waiting on the transfer).
According to Petr Sýkora, from the press MO would be the restoration of the helicopter of the air force (in the sense of westernization, therefore, the compensation of the Russian techniques) should end by the year 2040. Counts thus (naively) with the fact that the US, or Bell will maintain the production line for emergencies or the ACR have a very diverse helicopter technique ...

Source: Diary E15, Friday 20. 9. 2019, number 2932
URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#627275 Version : 0

Citace :

Cabinet approved the purchase of u.s. helicopters
The ministry of defense finally approved the purchase of twelve helicopters from the United states in the total cost of 14.6 billion Czech crowns without VAT. A contract he wants to conclude by the end of the year. Resort about it, according to the minister of defense Lubomir Metnara (for YES) informed the government. None of the members of the cabinet had no objections. This is according to a spokesman of the ministry of John We contract agreed.
All the machines should then Czech army get in the year 2023. The contract, according to him, allows even the involvement of the Czech defence industry from more than 30 percent.
"The sooner we get rid of dependence on Russian technology, the better. ...1)"

Source: Diary E15, Wednesday 13. 11. 2019, number 2969

1) ed.:
- 1) this sentence quite clearly says that this is not just about the purchase of equipment in the sense of improving the parameters, but about the political position of the
- 2) the newly purchased machines are a different category of machines than is currently utilized, in addition in the numbers that they cannot replace such as transport capacity (i.e. piece by piece), so it is very likely that will be carried out next purchase and at the same time, a change of tactics to deploy and actually use helicopters
- 3) very interesting is the min. 30pct participation of Czech industry, but it's unfortunately nowhere divorced found
- 4) AgustaWestland may obratí on Evrospký court due to circumvention of the law on public procurement (like it was in the case of aeroplanes CASA).
URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#630463 Version : 0

The minister of defense of L. Metnar signed on Thursday 12. December 2019 in the Washington contract for the supply of helicopters from the company. Bell for 646 million USD (approximately 14,75 billion CZK). These are the four battle-machines Bell AH-1Z Viper and eight multi-purpose machines Bell UH-1Y Venom. The plan is also the signing of the memorandum, in which it would spol. Bell transferred the manufacture of parts of helicopters or their components to the CZECH republic.
The unsuccessful candidate, spol. Leonardo, reportedly filed a complaint to the OPC. But so far, no complaint received.

URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#632379 Version : 0

In the framework of the so-called Implementation of the programme of property reproduction 107V320 – the Strategic agenda of maintaining and developing the capabilities of the Air forces of the Army of the Czech republic was in the discussion, without debate, approved by the government and increased the budget (according to the government resolution dated 15. may 2017 no 384 initially were approximately 24.6 billion CZK). Allegedly regards an increase of up to 1/3 of the total of about 36 billion CZK and the money they have to go (even ?) on the acquisition of helicopter system H-1 (probably + accessories and support) for the ACR.
Justification is the increase in scheduled cargo, in particular the exchange rate and inflation.

- course 15. may 2017: 1 USD = 23.888 CZK
- a course of 6. January 2020: 1 USD = 22.601 CZK
- change the 5 %
- inflation in the CZECH republic ranged on average 2,0-3,0 %
- inflation in the CZECH republic ranged from an average of 1.5 - 2.5 % (max)

URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#634158 Version : 0


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Pro upřesnění: obchodní záměr schválilo ministerstvo zahraničí, vývoz vojenského materiálu je vázán na souhlas Kongresu (předpokládá se, že ten nebude mít námitky).
URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#620485 Version : 0

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no tuhle zamýšlenou akvizici, jak jinak, provází problémy tolik typické pro naše MO, resp. AČR
- původně se mluvilo o cca 12 víceúčelových strojích, nyní zde figurují transportní a k tomu bitevní
- uvažovalo se o ceně cca 12 mld za 12 strojů, nyní již jde o takřka dvojnásobek 23 mld (ono už cena 1 ks za 1 mld bez toho, aniž by veřejně bylo známo co vše to obsahuje se mi zdá dost přepálená, zejména s ohledem na informace, že cena za Airbusy měla být poloviční)
- opět selektivní výběr dodavatele / výrobce, žádná opravdová veřejná soutěž, prostě oslovení 2, resp. 3 výrobců
- ne zcela známé požadované vlastnosti

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20.11.2017 - Výběr víceúčelových vrtulníků působí netransparentním a chaotickým dojmem, říká poslankyně Jana Černochová (SecurityMagazine)
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02.10.2018 - Světové vojenské technologie – Bell UH-1Y Venom (Super Huey) (SecurityMagazine)
17.11.2018 - Společnost Leonardo potvrdila, že se zúčastní se svým strojem AW139M nového tendru na víceúčelové vrtulníky (SecurityMagazine)
11.01.2019 - Věříme, že česká strana objeví přednosti našich vrtulníků, říká ředitel pro rozvoj obchodu pro Evropu společnosti Bell Joel Best (SecurityMagazine)
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13.12.2019 - Metnar podepsal s USA smlouvu na vrtulníky. Kauza ale nekončí, další dějství se odehraje před ÚOHS (SecurityMagazine)
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podobně to probíhá i s pásovými BVP, kdy se opět oslovilo pár vyvolených výrobců, vymýšlejí se zvláštní (nebo spíše nesmyslné) požadavky a vzájemně se vyřazuje to či ono vozidlo ...

URL : https://www.valka.cz/07-05-2019-Cesko-americke-jednani-o-nakupu-16-vrtulniku-UH-60-a-AH-1Z-v-cene-23-miliard-Kc-t222630#620489 Version : 0
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