Gentile, Dominic Salvatore

Gentile Gentile
Given Name:
Dominic Salvatore Dominic Salvatore
Jméno v originále:
Original Name:
Dominic Salvatore "Don" Gentile
Fotografie či obrázek:
Photograph or Picture:
major Major
Akademický či vědecký titul:
Academic or Scientific Title:
- -
Šlechtický titul:
Hereditary Title:
- -
Datum, místo narození:
Date and Place of Birth:
06.12.1920 Piqua, okres Miami /
06.12.1920 Piqua, Miami County /
Datum, místo úmrtí:
Date and Place of Decease:
28.01.1951 Forestville, okres Prince George's /
28.01.1951 Forestville, Prince George's County /
Nejvýznamnější funkce:
(maximálně tři)
Most Important Appointments:
(up to three)
- velitel letky 336. stíhací perutě
- zkušební pilot F-80 Shooting Star
- flight commander of 336th Fighter Squadron
- F-80 Shooting Star test pilot
Jiné významné skutečnosti:
(maximálně tři)
Other Notable Facts:
(up to three)
- americké stíhací eso 2. světové války s 21 samostatnými sestřely, 2 sdílel, 3 poškozenými stroji a 6 zničenými na zemi
- nejúspěšnější eso 4. stíhací skupiny a jeden čas vedoucí eso 8. letecké armády, často přezdíván "Eso es" nebo "Kapitán odvaha"
- Dwight Eisenhower ho při předávání Záslužného leteckého kříže nazval "letectvem o jednom muži" (one-man Air force), takto později Gentile nazval i své paměti v roce 1944
-american fighter ace of WW2 with 21 personal claims, 2 shared, 3 damaged and 6 destroyed on the ground
- highest scoring ace of 4th Fighter Group and once leading ace of 8th Air Force, frequently called "Ace of Aces" or "Captain Courageous"
- Dwight Eisenhower during awarding of Distinguished Flying Cross called him "one-man air force", in 1944 his autobiography has this name
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Gentile Gentile
Given Name:
Dominic Salvatore Dominic Salvatore
Jméno v originále:
Original Name:
Dominic Salvatore "Don" Gentile
Všeobecné vzdělání:
General Education:
Vojenské vzdělání:
Military Education:
DD.06.1949-28.01.1951 Marylandská univerzita (vojenské vědy)
DD.06.1949-28.01.1951 University of Maryland (military science
Důstojnické hodnosti:
Officer Ranks:
15.09.1942 poručík
19.01.1943 nadporučík
30.09.1943 kapitán
DD.01.1946 major
15.09.1942 2nd Lieutenant
19.01.1943 1st Lieutenant
30.09.1943 Captain
DD.01.1946 Major
Průběh vojenské služby:
Military Career:
DD.08.1940-DD.11.1941 Královské kanadské letecké síly
DD.11.1941-DD.MM.RRRR Královské letecké síly
DD.06.1942-15.09.1942 133. peruť RAF
15.09.1942-DD.MM.RRRR Letectvo armády Spojených států (USAAF)
15.09.1942-30.09.1943 336. stíhací peruť (pilot)
30.09.1943-13.04.1944 336. stíhací peruť (velitel letky)
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.04.1946 základna Wright Field (testovací pilot)
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR stíhací střelecký program (tréninkový důstojník)
DD.08.1940-DD.11.1941 Royal Canadian Air Force
DD.11.1941-DD.MM.RRRR Royal Air Force
DD.06.1942-15.09.1942 No. 133 Squadron RAF
15.09.1942-DD.MM.RRRR United States Army Air Force (USAAF)
15.09.1942-30.09.1943 336th Fighter Squadron(pilot)
30.09.1943-13.04.1944 336th Fighter Squadron (flight commander)
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.04.1946 Wright Field base (test pilot)
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Fighter Gunnery program (training officer)
- -

Gentile, Dominic Salvatore - (bez britského Záslužného leteckého kříže) (bez britského Záslužného leteckého kříže)
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Major Dominic Salvatore „Don“ Gentile

Dominic Salvatore Gentile se narodil 12. června 1920 ve městě Piqua, stát Ohio italským imigrantům. Před ukončením střední školy si koupil dvouplošník Aero Sports za peníze, který si vydělal v otcově podniku. I když měl na svém kontě nalétány stovky hodin, přesto při pokusu o vstup do USAAC neuspěl. Když u USAAC neuspěl, zvolil Kanadu a v srpnu 1940 vstoupil do RCAF. V listopadu 1941 ukončil výcvik a byl poslán do Anglie jako instruktor.

V červnu 1942 byl poslán ke 133. peruti RAF, která byla tvořena americkými dobrovolníky a létala na stíhačkách Spitfire. První operační let vykonal 22. června 1942. První vítězství, a to hned dvojité, Don získal 19. srpna 1942. Toho dne došlo k operaci Jubilee a 133. peruť s dalšími jednotkami byla vyslaná jako vzdušné krytí. Při akci spatřil dvojici Fw 190, které se snažily dostat za ocas jeho velitele a napadl je, jednu se mu dařilo sestřelit a druhá raději vyklidila pole. Poté uviděl několik bombardérů Ju 88, které také napadl a podařilo se mu získat druhý sestřel.

V září vznikla 4. Fighter Group USAAF, kam přešla také 133. peruť, ze které vznikla 336th Fighter Squadron USAAF. Ve výzbroji skupina měla britské stíhačky Spitfire. Do řad USAAF přešel i Gentile, kam byl přijat s hodností Second Lieutenant. Do hodnosti First Lieutenant byl povýšen v lednu 1943 a v září téhož roku byl povýšen na Captain. Skupina v březnu 1943 dostala do výzbroje americké stíhačky P-47 Thunderbolt.

První vítězství v řadách USAAF získal Don 16. prosince. Den, kdy 4. FG kryla ústup bombardérů vracejících se z náletu na Brémy. Gentile společně s dalšími dvěma piloty sestřelil Ju 88, který se tak stal jediným úspěchem celé akce.

První sestřel v novém roce 1944 získal 5. ledna při doprovodu bombardérů, které směřovaly na letiště u Tours, kde se zřítila i jim sestřelená stodevadesátka. 14. ledna získal Don double, čímž se stal esem. Na zisk těchto sestřelů spotřeboval veškerou munici a nyní bezbranný se stal cílem útoků dvojice Fw 190. Gentile rádiem žádal o pomoc, ale nikdo z parťáků ho nenajde a tak si Don musí pomoci sám. Uhýbá před útoky a zatím se drží. Nakonec oba Němci vyplýtvají munici a odpoutají se. Don se vrátil na základnu úplně vyčerpaný, ale živý. Poslední sestřel na Thunderboltu Gentile získal u Luxembourgu 25. února. Další sestřely se mu podařilo získat již na nových stíhačkách P-51 Mustang, na které se skupina přezbrojila koncem měsíce února.

3. března směřují bombardéry 8. USAAF na hlavní město Třetí říše. Kvůli nepříznivému počasí se záměr nezdařil a bombardéry se s nepořízenou vrátily zpět. 336. FS ztratila kontakt se zbytkem skupina a u Wittenburgu došlo k šarvátce, ze které si peruť odnesla pět vítězství za cenu tří Mustangů. Gentilemu se podařilo získat dvě vítězství nad dvěma Fw 190. K vůbec prvnímu náletu na Berlín došlo o tři dny později. K druhému útoku na Berlín došlo již 8. března, kdy 8. USAAF vyslala 623 bombardérů s podporou 891 stíhaček 8. a 9. USAAF. Toho dne Gentile společně se svým číslem 1st Lt. Johnem T. Godfreyem sestřelili šest stíhaček Bf 109. Po tomto úspěchu se dvojice domluvila na trvalé spolupráci, která sice bude trvat pouhé tři týdny, ale vyslouží si přezdívku „SMRTÍCÍ DUO“. 18. března 1944 Gentile nad Augsburgem sestřelil další Bf 109. 23. března 4. FG doprovází bombardéry směřující na Braunschweig a dvojici Gentile - Godfrey sestřeluje v okolí Münsteru trojici Bf 109. Gentile kryt Godfreym sestřelil dvě, poté se prohodí a Don kryje Johna, který skoncuje s další. 29. března doprovázela 4. FG bombardéry B-17 k dalšímu náletu na Braunschweig. Skupina toho dne dosáhne 21 sestřelů. Don kryt Johnem sestřelil nejprve dvojici Fw 190. Pak se dvojice prohodí a John zvítězil nad další stodevadesátkou, ale v zápalu boje se dvojice roztrhla a osamocený Gentile pak dosáhne ještě jedno vítězství nad Bf 109.

1. dubna dosáhl jednoho sestřelu nad další stodevítkou, kterou sestřelil v okolí Mannheimu. 8. dubna nedaleko Celle získala skupina 31 vítězství z toho Don získal další hattrick, když zvítězil nad trojicí Fw 190. 13. dubna odstartoval Gentile ke svému poslednímu operačnímu letu. Obohatit skóre se mu nepodařilo a navíc návrat také nedopadl podle jeho představ, protože při nízkem průletu nad základnou svým strojem „přeoral“ debdenské letiště. Z havárie sice vyvázl téměž bez škrábnutí, ale stroj, který měl být ozdobou na jeho propagačním turné, byl zralý na odpis.

Začátkem května se dvojice Gentile a Godfrey vrátila do Států a po třicetidenním odpočinku se oba „vrhli“ na propagační turné po Státech. Po absolvování propagačního turné byl Gentile přidělen na základnu Wright Field v Daytonu, stát Ohio, kde se stal zkušebním pilotem a testoval stíhačky F-80. V lednu 1946 byl povýšen do hodnosti Major, ale v dubnu téhož roku byl uvolněn z aktivní služby. Zpět do aktivní služby byl přijat v listopadu 1947. V červnu 1949 se zapsal na universitu v Marylandu.

Zahynul 28. ledna 1951 při letu na letadlu T-33 s číslem 49-905, které se zřítilo kvůli závadě na motoru ve Forestville, stát Maryland.

Dominic S. Gentile obdržel tato vyznamenání: 2x Distinguished Service Cross, 8x Distinguished Flying Cross, 4x Air Medal a britský Distinguished Flying Cross

časopisy APKR č. 28 a 29
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Sestřely Dominica S. Gentileho

19. 8. 1942
133. peruť
Fw 190
Ju 88
16. 12. 1943
336. FS 4. FG
P-47 Thunderbolt
1/3 Ju 88
5. 1. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-47 Thunderbolt
Fw 190
14. 1. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-47 Thunderbolt
2x Fw 190
25. 2. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-47 Thunderbolt
Fw 190
3. 3. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-51 Mustang
2x Fw 190
8. 3. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-51 Mustang
3½ Bf 109
18. 3. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-51 Mustang
Fw 190
23. 3. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-51 Mustang
2x Bf 109
29. 3. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-51 Mustang
2x Fw 190
Bf 109
1. 4. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-51 Mustang
Bf 109
8. 4. 1944
336. FS 4. FG
P-51 Mustang
3x Fw 190

časopisy APKR č. 28 a 29
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Together with your number John Trevor Godfrey (18 p.) were so famous that they the commander of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goering said, "Debdenští gangsters".
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Reporting Dona Gentile about the duel from 14. January 1944 (4. and 5. a separate shoot, 2. and 3. on the P-47)

Battle report
action Type: Martial
Date: 14. January 1944
Unit: 336. fighter squadron
Time: 1500-1520
Location: les Compiegne 12 000 feet (the first), 0 stop (second)
Weather: clear, ground fog
Type NL: 2 Fw 190
enemy losses: 2 destroyed Fw 190

I Flew as Blue 1 (1) in the squadron Shirtblue. He saw here and he reported a cluster of fifteen 190tek east of us and 3 000 feet below us. I took my squadron in the composition of the F/O Richards (2), por. Norley (3) and por. Garrison (4) of the mine. Just how we did it, 190tky is a fan shape divided into two groups. I chose two renegades flying to the north and attacked them from 8. hours, when they flew in 50° of descent. Approached at about 300 yards and fired a long dose to number two, become aware that there was interference in the left part of the cockpit, where he began to roll a smoke. Slowly overturned (8 000 feet) and went into a vertical spin. Crashed on open prosranství not far from the forest. Por. Carlson (Red 1) and F/O Richards confirm it.

Immediately I shoupl back for the first 190tku and approached to about 250 yards. I started to burn and he came up to 150 yards. We were in a very slow descent from 4, 000 feet. Become aware that there was some interference around the engine and cockpit. I tried to hold his propeller vortex and reach the next intervention, when he suddenly crashed into the trees and I followed them only narrowly avoid it. The moment was dragged in here, I was ambushed by 2 190tky and the fun began. The first 190 was so close that I heard her weapons and hit me. Ripped it and the first 190 me flitted. Stayed here in the left-hand bend, because number two is still a little bit worried, but couldn't shoot. In the meantime, number 1 strongly attracted and prepared for another attack, quickly I turned to starboard and fired a short burst at the no. 2, which here then again. It was all at the height of the crowns of the trees. Rewound on the port side to get away from the number 1, which to me was a shooting, but with much hanging, so its trasírky flew in front of me. Consumed in the rest of the ammo (except for the one that is stuck) when the last dose on number 2. I tried to roll him, but he still kept on the inner corner. Suddenly here fliknul and it rubbed off on trees. Vzpamatovávajíc, I flipped over to starboard and still there was furious firing. Spun here, made the air chutes, everything I could. Slid under me, overshot and I rewound again to the port side. We met halfway, and still burning. The following 10 minutes they circled each other, confronted in the frontal attacks, trying to get each other's tail. In the last minute on I've fallen, but I did not shoot; so he must be out of ammo. Then left me, and I wanted to get out and do a rumba. All the thermometers were in the red fields, so I slowly pulled up and flew home.

I'll add two (2) of the destroyed Fw 190. I don't know what happened to the third guy here fired and then have him nenárokuji.

Consumption of ammunition:
1330 incendiary
20 trace
1350 total
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Reporting Dominic Salvatore Gentile on the battle of 25. February 1944 (6. a separate shoot, 4. on the P-47)

Battle report
action Type: Martial
Date: 25. February 1944
Unit: 336. fighter squadron
Time: 1240
Location: 20 miles northeast of Luxemburg
Weather: clear
Type NL: Fw 190
enemy losses: 1 destroyed the Fw 190

I Flew as Red 1 in the squadron Shirtblue. At a height of about 25 000 ft, after about a 10 minute flight with the bombers, I saw 2 190tky at 3 o'clock from the bombers and underneath us in 15 000 feet. Por. Herter with one clashed and I went after the second. He attacked him from 4. hours and approached to 400 yards for your first dose. Again here fired at 300 yards and approached at 75 yards. I saw a lot of interference, and larger and smaller pieces fell off the enemy aircraft. My whole plane was covered with oil and the plane of my twos hit kusky into overlapping and propeller. The enemy plane a lot of smoke. In a moment, when brought in, he slid the chassis. I was at a height of 2 000 feet and my climb I earned up to 10 000 feet. 190tku here last seen in virtually the exact altitude fall very close to the ground. I'm sure it "got".

I lay claim to 1 of the destroyed Fw 190.

Consumption of ammunition:
561 incendiary
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Reporting Dominic Salvatore Gentile a duel of 5. January 1944 (3. a separate shoot, 1. on the P-47)

Battle report
action Type: Martial
Date: 5. January 1944
Unit: 336. fighter squadron
Time: 1200
Location: 20 miles north from the goal, from 20 000 to 7 000 feet
Weather: good
Type NL: Fw 190
enemy losses: destroyed

I Flew as Red 1, when we meet letely 2 Fw 190. Once penetrated, demolished it on the starboard side and tried to get them by the tail, but they tore it down for me and so I pulled until I was on their 8. class. Went into the descent and I followed them. How to chose the descent, fired here at no. 1. Approached here at 250-300 yards and have seen many interventions around the engine, the cockpit and then a huge flash, which proved to be a fire followed by smoke. I saw the por. Godfrey, firing at the second Fw 190 and achieved several hits. Then I moved on to the Fw 190, on which the burned por. Godfrey and sent her a short dose.

I certify that the reached hits on the FW 190 on that shot and it was later por. said, that the 190, I hit the collapsed north of some forests. Por. Godfrey will confirm it.

Consumption of ammunition:
780 incendiary
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Report of captain Gentile about the fight from 18. march 1944 (12. a separate shoot, 6. the P-51)

Battle report
action Type: Martial
Date: 18. march 1944
Unit: 336. fighter squadron
Time: 1425-1445
Location: the area of Augsburg, germany, from 23 000 feet to the ground
Weather: fog
Type NL: FW 190
enemy losses: 1 destroyed the FW 190

I Flew as White 3 with the colonel. Blakesleem in the squadron Shirtblue. Because of previous conflicts with others, we were me and the colonel. Blakeslee separated from the rest of the group. We were with the bombers when attacked by 6 FW 190tek, which they have conducted the frontal passage. As they turned down to pass on to the next box, we attacked them. They spotted us and they started to fall away. Col. Blakeslee told me to take the one on the left, he takes the second renegade. The one here was chasing turned and separated from the others. Announced here, colonel. Blakesleemu that I'm staying behind him and covering him. Approached here is to the next to the right of the colonel, got good hits and odletovali pieces of him. The Pilot bailed out. The distance was 250 yards and a height of around 6 000 feet. As the pilot jumped out, missed my dragon. He turned a little to the left and said to the colonel. Blakesleemu, he's still got your back. Followed by a pair of 190tek and shot while the other trio did an upward-year-old corner. I was on the inside, he was burning but did not reach any intervention. I followed the trio as she drew. She turned around and met with us from the other side, but tore it to the right while the colonel spun to the left for those two. A couple of times after the trinity still fired, but couldn't focus on them, and the colonel at once. Trinity rolled over and fell away; and so I went back to the colonel and watched it in one sews. Pieces odlétávali and the left undercarriage wheel pops out and the machine was smoking. Col. Blakeslee told me to get height and fly home. In that moment, a pair of dlouhonosých Fw 190tek (žlutonosých) came from behind and hit me in the engine. Shouted here "break" and began to spin. Explosive and tracer ammunition was flying all around. Rewound here it is. The colonel told me still spinning and he could compare them. That's what I did, but when the colonel spun behind them, tore it and began to spin behind him. Quickly I turned to the opposite side and got behind them. We flipped and fell. We flew over our lines completely exhausted from the 15 minute fights. 190tky us a while persecuted, but eventually gave up.

Certify the destruction of one FW 190 col. Blakesleem and I lay claim to 1 of the destroyed Fw 190.

Consumption of ammunition:
545 armour-piercing incendiary (API)
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Report of captain Gentile the challenge of the 23. march 1944 (13. and 14. a separate shoot, 7. and 8. the P-51)

Battle report
action Type: Martial
Date: 23. march 1944
Unit: 336. fighter squadron
Time: 1115
Location: area Wunsteru
Weather: cloud 10/10 at 2 000 feet, above them clear
Type NL: 2 Me109
enemy losses: 2 destroyed Me109

I Flew as White 3 squads Shirtblue, when I reported a cluster of German soldiers circling around one of the bomber, who was shot down. I saw two parachutes and bomber falling in flames. Major Goodson went down to fight with the krauts, I've seen one shot down, while here it covered, but then it tore napravobok and got one by the tail and declined here to a frenzied speed. German attracted, and I flew too fast, I had to get him otherwise I'd get across it. Launched here fire on the 350-300-yard line and stopped up when I flew his propeller vortex that almost got me turned over on his back. I looked back, the plane was smoking and the pilot bailed out. He pulled back and crossed over to the starboard side and he was met with another German guy, came up to 100-75 yards, reached a few good hits and the enemy plane flipped over and headlong fell. Then I said, por. Godfreys, that is a number on him, and he clashed with another ME109 and I cover for him. He chased her down up to 3 000 feet. The hun saw him and made a turn and then flipped over and did the twist, which I certainly couldn't choose. In my opinion, the German panicked and didn't realize that it is too low. Por. Godfrey drew and clashed with another German guy, but he pulled into the clouds. We have set a course and go home.

I lay claim to the destruction of 2 Me109 and accepted the por. Godfreys the destruction of 1 Me109. Major Goodson I can also confirm the destruction of 1 Me109.

Consumption of ammunition:
162 armour-piercing incendiary (API)
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Report of captain Gentile about the fight from 29. march 1944 (15.-17. a separate shoot, 9.-11. the P-51)

Battle report
action Type: Martial
Date: 29. march 1944
Unit: 336. fighter squadron
Time: 1330
Location: Brunswick, the target area
Weather: low cloud cover 7-8/10
Type NL: 2 Fw190 and 1 Me109
enemy losses: 2 destroyed Fw 190 and 1 destroyed Me109

I Flew as Blue 1 squadron Shirtblue at a height of 27 000 feet. Met here with a flock of 7 or 8 190tek under the bombers in the 17-18 000 feet. When they saw us, went into a falling spiral. Clashed with 190tkou no. 4 (flew next to each other), approached to 300 yards, fired, and saw hits around the cockpit. He rolled over in a slow left turn and went into a nose dive. In that moment I was in the 5-6, 000 of footsteps approaching 5 000 with a speed of over 400 miles.

I started dealing under the clouds and por. Godfrey told me it had blown off, because for me the two are hanged. One of them shot. Demolished it and avoid them. I've done a narrow counter-clockwise turnaround with high overload. When I recovered from the Blackout she was right in front of me 190tka; approached at 300 yards and fired. I saw smoke and a few odlétavajících pieces. Then the pilot at a height of 1-2, 000 feet jumped.

I did a narrow, left-handed, an upward spiral and ascended to 10,000 feet through a hole in the clouds. I said another Mustang to join me and we headed once again to the bombers. Mustang flying next to me was attacked by two Me 109. I told him to keep it swept up, but I probably didn't hear me because he flew straight ahead. Tore it on the 109tky that after půlobratu entered a cloud. The mustang was no longer in sight, but he wasn't affected by it, and later I found out he got back all right. Clashed with another 109 and veered to the left on it. The moment for me started to disappear I turned napravobok and fell right behind him. When I started shooting, started to leak cooling fluid and the pilot bailed out. Height was 7-8, 000 feet and a distance of around 300 yards. I myself joined the bombers, and later with a few Mustangs I returned home.

I lay claim to 2 of the destroyed fw 190s and 1 destroyed Me109.

Consumption of ammunition:
1167 incendiary (I)
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