
Liberec / Reichenberg
Liberec Liberec
Originální název:
Original Name:
Další názvy:
Other Names:
Nižší územní celek:
Lower Administrative Area:
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GPS souřadnice:
GPS Coordinates:
50°46'02.64"N 15°03'06.40"E
Místní části:
Local Municipalities:
Staré město, Nové město, Jeřáb, Perštýn, Kristiánov, Rochlice, Horní Růždol, Dolní Hanychov, Janův Důl, Františkov, RůždolI, Staré Pavlovice, Nové Pavlovice, Ruprechtice, Starý Harcov, Nový Harcov, Kateřinky, Karlinky, Horní Hanychov, Ostašov, Rudolfov, Horní Suchá, Doubí, Pilínkov, Vesec, Hluboká, Kunratice, Krásná Studánka, Radčice, Machnín, Bedřichovka, Karlov pod Ještědem
První písemná zmínka:
First Written Reference:
Vojenské objekty:
Military Objects:
Historical Sights, Places of Interest:
Liberecký zámek
Hotel a vysílač Ještěd
Zřícenina hradu Hamrštejn
Liebiegův zámeček
Neptunova kašna
Kostel svatého Antonína Velikého
Kostel svatého Antonína Paduánského
Kostel Matky Boží U Obrázku
Kostel sv. Jana Křtitele
Severočeské muzeum North Bohemian Museum in Liberec
Dislokované jednotky:
Garrisoned Units:
Průmyslové podniky:
Textilní průmysl : Interlana, Elmarco, Elitex
Coat of Arms:
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Liberec (Reichenberg)

In the period of the First Republic, the seat of the political and judicial district.

Census of 1930: 38,568 inhabitants (of which 6,314 persons of Czechoslovakian nationality, 26 persons of Hungarian nationality, 30,023 persons of German nationality, 11 persons of Polish nationality, 51 persons of Russian nationality and 200 persons of Jewish nationality).

The crew was established in January 1919.

Units or offices located in the crew:
Engineer Group Headquarters VII (since June 1936),
44th Infantry Regiment (since October 1920),
III. Section of the Artillery Regiment 3 (since August 1938),
Mountain Artillery Division 253 (December 1920 - January 1923),
Artillery Division 253 (January 1923 - September 1937),
Motorized Engineer Battalion 23 (October 1937 - July 1938),
Liberec Crew Hospital (May 1920 - December 1925).

The purposes of the Armed Forces were the Great Barracks (built in 1891-1893), the buildings of the military hospital (built in 1892-1893) and the Artillery Barracks (built in 1911-1912).

VÚA Prague, Crew Headquarters Fund.
Karpas, R. et al .: Kniha o Liberecci. Liberec 2003.
J.Fidler and V.Sluka, Encyclopedia of the Armed Forces of the Czechoslovak Republic 1920-38, Libri 2006
Book review
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Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 Czechoslovakia 1945-1992
Units and offices located in the crew:
Units and military institutions located
within garrison administrative boundaries:
01.06.1945-30.09.1945 44th Infantry Regiment
01.10.1945-30.09.1947 Infantry Regiment 30
01.06.1945-28.02.1951 Crew Headquarters
01.10.1945-30.09.1946 School of officers in the field artillery reserve
01.08.1945-30.09.1949 Military Vocational School of Aircraft Mechanics
01.10.1947-30.09.1950 Infantry Regiment 22
01.11.1950-30.09.1960 24.raketometná brigáda
01.10.1952-31.10.1954 105. flamethrower battalion
01.11.1954-30.09.1958 105. fire battalion 01.10.1958-31.08.1962 105. battalion of chemical protection01.10.1958-31.08.1962 1st Army Medical Warehouse
01.10.1958-31.08.1962 98. terrain disinfection battalion
01.09.1961-31.08.1962 21st Training Automobile Battalion
01.09.1962-31.08.1977 105. chemical protection regiment
01.09.1962-31.08.1976 5. road brigade
01.09.1977-30.09.1988 103. chemical protection battalion
01.09.1977-30.09.1988 113th Radiation and Chemical Survey Company
01.09.1977-31.12.1992 102. chemical protection brigade
01.09.1977-30.09.1990 51. chemical protection battalion
01.09.1977-30.09.1990 61st Battalion Disinfection Technology
01.11.1982-30.09.1990 65. battalion decontamination kit
01.10.1988-30.09.1990 77. radiation and chemical survey battalion
01.06.1945-30.09.1945 44th Infantry Regiment
01.10.1945-30.09.1947 30th Infantry Regiment
01.06.1945-28.02.1951 Garrison Command
01.10.1945-30.09.1946 Field Artillery School for Reserve Officers
01.08.1945-30.09.1949 Military Aircraft Mechanics School
01.10.1947-30.09.1950 22nd Infantry Regiment
11/01/1950 to 09/30/1960 24th Rocket Launcher Brigade
01.10.1952-31.10.1954-30.09.1958 105th Flamethrower Battalion
11/01/1954 to 09/30/1958 105th Flamethrower Battalion
01.10.1958-31.08.1962 105th NBC Battalion
01.10.1958-31.08.1962 1st Army Medical Warehouse
01.10.1958-31.08.1962 98th Decontamination of Terrain Battalion
01.09.1961-31.08.1962 21st Automotive Training Battalion
01.09.1962-31.08.1977 105th NBC Regiment
01.09.1962-31.08.1976 5th Road Brigade
01.09.1977-30.09.1988 103rd NBC Battalion
01.09.1977-30.09.1988 113th Radiation and Chemical Reconnaissance Company
01.09.1977-31.12.1992 102nd NBC Brigade
01.09.1977-30.09.1990 51st NBC Battalion
01.09.1977-30.09.1990 61st Decontamination of Techniques Battalion
01.11.1982-30.09.1990 65th Decontamination of Equipment Battalion
01.10.1988-30.09.1990 77th Radiation and Chemical Reconnaissance Battalion
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* Adlerstein (Aleš), Herbert
Dne 10.08.1910 se zde narodil Obersturmführer Dr. Rainer Gottstein
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Austria-Hungary (1867-1918) Austria-Hungary (1867-1918)
Units and offices stationed in the crew:
Units and military institutions located
within garrison administrative boundaries:
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters 58. infantry brigade
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters infantry regiment no 74
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY machine gun section And infantry regiment no. 74
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY, EVEN. and II. battalion of infantry regiment no 74
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters infantry regiment no. 94
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY machine gun section And infantry regiment no. 94
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY III. and IV. battalion of infantry regiment no. 94
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Útvarová hospital
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Branch of the military quartermaster warehouse
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters četnického department no 8
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 58th Infantry Brigade Command
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 74th Infantry Regiment Command
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 1st Machine-Gun Section, 74th Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 1st and 2nd Battalion,74th Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 94th Infantry Regiment Command
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 1st Machine-Gun Section, 94th Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 3rd and 4th Battalion,94th Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Troops Hospital
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Branch of Military Quartermaster Store
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 8th Gendarmerie Department Headquarters
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"Friedens-Ordre de bataille to. in. to. Heeres, der k. to. und der to. in. Landwehr gültig vom 1.April 1914 (Vienna 1914)
Seidels kleines Armeeschema - Dislokation und Einsteilung des to. in. to. Heeres, to. in. to. Kriegsmarine, der Landwehr und der königlich ungarischen Landwehr (Wien, 1914)"
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New city

In 19. century already the requirements of the city and its officials ceased to be sufficient the old town hall. The political class also apparently wanted a more representative building and the premises. Therefore, it was the year 1879 in the Liberec savings bank based account for the construction of the new town hall, the bank alone contributed a sum of 30 000 gold. 100 000 gold coins bequeathed to the industrialist Franz Liebieg the younger. By resolution of the city council was 15. April 1887 price competition, according to their requirements. Finally, he was among the 9 proposals selected the one from Franz Neumann, the architect from Vienna. On the implementation of his proposal it was decided to 6. December 1887. 30. September 1888 the foundation stone was officially laid and already two years later, 5. November 1890, stood the town hall in unfinished buildings. 1. September 1891, still unfinished city hall visited by emperor Francis Joseph I. The grand opening of the town hall planned on 1. November 1892, however, due to several complications, among which vinikalo appeal of the current city council and its replacement by a government commissioner. Finally there was the opening ceremony in the time of Easter, in the days of the 2. and 3. April of 1893. 30. September 1893 then was laid symbolically, five years after laying the stone base, stone last.
The building itself has approximately square ground plan. In the middle of the building was a yard, which is accessible from both of her hips. The richly decorated facade, especially the front, also has three towers in the frontage, of which the largest, the middle, reaches a height of 65 m. From 1891 until 1952 was located on the top of the tower the statue of the knight Roland, who was a symbol of protection of urban rights Was replaced by the obligate red star, which was taken down in 1989, to already for a year on it was on its place the statue of a lion. In 2005, then at the top of the tower again came the statue of the knight Roland, even if it's just a copy. After 1989, he was on the building located memorial to the 9 victims of 1968, having the form of a tank belt. Richly decorated is the entrance facade. Relief, where in the middle of located the woman symbolizing the city and along its sides, then it is symbolically depicted the founding of the old and new city hall. Above the entrance is located balcony from which to speak with a number of prominent statesmen.
Even the interiors are richly decorated. Often their decoration accounted for individual guilds or local prominent citizens. As nejvýstavnější hall is placed the ceremonial, with excellent acoustics, the wood paneling, murals of the ceiling from the viennese painter Andreas Groll, vitrážemy and almost půltunovým chandelier made in Berlin.

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Old hall

Became from 16. centuries on the square today carries the name of Dr. E. Benes. After the construction of the new city hall, following after a short time they stood together and then the building was the old city hall, also because of its poor condition, overthrown. During construction of the building of the museum, was in its construction built the tower, which visually comes from the old town hall tower.

Originally in Liberec became a magistrate ( in the places of today's Prague street). But it has already ceased to fulfill her requirements. The year 1599 was therefore taken to implement the own building of the town hall. The was designed the Italian maestro Marcus Antonio Spaziem di Lanciem, who lived in Gorlitz. He was also the author of the castle and the church of st. Anthony the Great. 11. September, approved plans, and 2. October the foundation stone was officially laid. Then started own construction work. The building was designed as in the above-ground parts of 40 cubits (23,7 m) long and 28 cubits wide (16.6 m), but its two underground floors encroached on. The actual construction had to give way to a well and a pillory. A rough construction of a one-story building, yet without a tower, was finished in 1602. In October 1603 was then completed and an octagonal tower with finial and a standard. It is interesting that she did not own the ground, but rested on part of the arch of the ground floor. After the building was completed it was in the city for only the third brick building. The costs were covered, first, revenue from the brewing rights (brewing beer) and then a loan of 1,000 thalers from Catherine of Redernu.
The building itself was divided so that on the first floor were located and held all the city's affairs. There were festivities of the city. Housed the great hall, alderman hall, room to store the city's privileges and of the rooms on the knowledge of the less pretentious it was a prison for debtors. On the ground floor is then on the contrary, held a lively business, when there were a saloon, meat and bakery stuff and the year 1704 there they placed a forged municipal scales which had the weight of the sandstone. In the basement is then, of course, kept there beer and wine, or other goods requiring cold. For the purposes of the implementation of the law, then she was in nejhloubší part of the placed city torture chamber. Over 1. floor were two more (attic) floor, these served as warehouses.
The tower showed probably as very problematic, since the repairs we have documented many times from the years 1654, 1695, 1735, 1753 and 1801. In the last mentioned year was even hit by lightning, which caused her to catch fire. The destroyed the whole of its upper part and that had to be completely restored.
However, in the 19. the century already the town was about the knowledge of the larger and more populous than it was during the time of the construction of the city hall. Spread is also bureaucracy. In addition, the building was generally referred to as dilapidated. In 1879 was established to account for construction of the new town hall, and in 1888 began with its construction. After the new city hall was opened, followed by 18. duba 1894 a solemn farewell to the old city hall. Then she was knocked down for 4 weeks.

Today is the floor plan of city hall marked on the square of the dark tiles. The town hall bell is located in the northern facade of the new town hall. Part of the interior decoration (e.g. images Redernů and Gallas) are also saved. Stone pylons have become part of the balustrades of the building savings bank. And the most tangible reminder of this building is the tower building of today's North bohemian museum. Here is also located the previously mentioned scales.

Liberec - Půdorysný plán přízemí radnice, tak jak byl zaměřen v 19. století

Půdorysný plán přízemí radnice, tak jak byl zaměřen v 19. století Zdroj:
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Liberec - Společný snímek staré a nové radnice

Společný snímek staré a nové radnice Zdroj:
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Liberec - Počátek demolice, zaujmou sluneční hodiny na rohu radnice v úrovni 1. patra

Počátek demolice, zaujmou sluneční hodiny na rohu radnice v úrovni 1. patra Zdroj:
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Liberec - Demolice v pokročilé fázi

Demolice v pokročilé fázi Zdroj:
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Liberec - Radnice a náměstí před 1879

Radnice a náměstí před 1879 Zdroj:
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Neptune's fountain

Neptune's fountain, constructed in the empire style was located on what is today náměstí Dr. E. Beneš from his position in 1823, until the year 1925 when it was transferred to the Nerudovo square. The year 2010, then once again returned to the square Dr. E. Benes, however, the statue of Neptune is already a new, original located in the museum.

Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Citace - Stanislav :

Old hall

Became from 16. century, approximately at the place of today's New town hall. Of the reasons for the construction of the town hall of the new was knocked down.

The old town hall stood next to the new, both of the town hall briefly stood at the same time - see photo..
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Square Soukenné.
Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Square Dr E. Benes.
Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Sokolovské square.
Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Pamětní deska obětem sovětské okupace z 21. srpna 1968

Pamětní deska oběti okupace z 21. srpna 1968. Je umístěna na budově radnice při hlavním vchodu. Byla slavnostně odhalena 21. srpna 1990, jejím autorem je liberecký sochař Jiří Gdovín.

Eva Livečková
Rudolf Starý
Bohumil Kobr
Stanislav Veselý
Josef Fialka
Zdeněk Dragoun
Jindřich Kuliš
Miroslav Čížek
Vincenc Březina


Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Pamětní deska obětem sovětské okupace z 21. srpna 1968

Pamětní deska oběti okupace z 21. srpna 1968. Je umístěna na budově radnice při hlavním vchodu. Byla slavnostně odhalena 21. srpna 1990, jejím autorem je liberecký sochař Jiří Gdovín.

Eva Livečková
Rudolf Starý
Bohumil Kobr
Stanislav Veselý
Josef Fialka
Zdeněk Dragoun
Jindřich Kuliš
Miroslav Čížek
Vincenc Březina


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Liberec - Foto vlastní

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Liberec - Foto vlastní

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