
okr. Plzeň-město
Plzeň Plzen
Originální název:
Original Name:
Další názvy:
Other Names:
Nižší územní celek:
Lower Administrative Area:
okres Plzeň-město Plzen-mesto District
GPS souřadnice:
GPS Coordinates:
49°44'44.79"N 13°22'30.58"E
Místní části:
Local Municipalities:
Bolevec, Božkov, Černice, Doudlevice, Hradiště, Koterov, Lobzy, Litice, Nová Hospoda, Radobyčice, Skvrňany, Valcha, Bukovec, Červený Hrádek, Doubravka, Újezd, Radčice, Malesice, Dolní Vlkýš, Lhota
První písemná zmínka:
First Written Reference:
Vojenské objekty:
Military Objects:
Historical Sights, Places of Interest:
gotický chrám sv. Bartoloměje
františkánský klášter
renesanční radnice
Velká synagoga
historické podzemí
Západočeské muzeum v Plzni
Západočeská galerie v Plzni
Pivovarské muzeum
Patton Memorial Pilsen
West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen
Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Brewery Museum
Patton Memorial Pilsen
Dislokované jednotky:
Garrisoned Units:
Průmyslové podniky:
Coat of Arms:
- -
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In the period of the First Republic, the seat of the political and fateful district.

1930 census: 114,704 inhabitants (of which 105,731 persons of Czechoslovak nationality, 34 persons of Hungarian nationality, 6,782 persons of German nationality, 30 persons of Polish nationality, 153 persons of Russian nationality, 23 persons of Serbo-Croatian nationality and 722 persons of Jewish nationality)

The garrison was established in 1918.

Units or offices located in the garrison.
Second Division Headquarters (January 1920 - January 1938),
Second Infantry Division Headquarters (January 1938),
Third Infantry Brigade Headquarters (October 1920 - December 1937),
Artillery Headquarters, Second Division (October 1920 - December 1921),
Headquarters of the Second Field Artillery Brigade (December 1921 - December 1937),
Infantry Regiment 18 (from October 1920),
Infantry Regiment 35 (October 1920 - March 1938),
Replacement Battalion of Infantry Regiment 35 (from March 1938),
Battery of Light Artillery Regiment 1 (July 1920 - October 1920),
Light Artillery Regiment 2 (July 1920 - January 1923),
Artillery Regiment 2 (from January 1923),
Replacement Battery of Mortar Regiment 351 (July 1920 - June 1921),
Automobile Company 2 (from February 1921),
Squadron of Aviation Regiment 1 (from January 1938),
Air Weather Station 14 (from January 1938),
Wagon Company 2 (December 1920 - September 1923),
Divisional Armoury 2 (September 1920 - April 1922),
Divisional Ordnance Workshop 2 (September 1920 - April 1922),
Divisional Armoury 2 (April 1922 - January 1937),
Branch Armoury Pilsen (from January 1937),
Armament Technical Office at the Akciová společnost, formerly Škoda Plants, in Pilsen (January 1922 - June 1936),
Armament Technical Office 1 (from June 1936),
Military Construction Branch 2 (October 1920 - January 1937),
Divisional Hospital 2 (March 1922 - January 1937),
Corps Hospital 2 (from January 1937),
Military Supply Depot 2 (October 1920 - April 1923),
Divisional Supply Hospital 2 (April 1923 - January 1924),
Divisional Commissary 2 (January 1924 - January 1937),
Commissary 2 (from January 1937),
Headquarters, Horse Records 2 (from October 1920),
Motor Vehicle Registration Headquarters in Pilsen (February 1921 - January 1937),
Supplementary District Headquarters Pilsen (from November 1919),
Divisional Court Pilsen (from December 1918),
Brigade Court Pilsen (from December 1918),
Military Prosecutor's Office in Pilsen (from May 1920),
Office of the Military Prosecutor in Pilsen (from May 1920),
Artillery Technical School (February 1921 - April 1922),
Arms School (April 1922 - April 1926),
Armament School (from April 1926).

For the needs of the armed forces there were available in the town, the Command Building on Husova Street, the Military Office Building on Tylova Street, the Prokop Holý Barracks from 1825, the Artillery Barracks and the Jan Sladký Kozina Barracks from the end of the 19th century and the Barrack Camp from the years of the First World War.

Book review
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Plzeň is today the fourth largest city in the Czech Republic after Prague, Brno and Ostrava.It is a statutory and regional city (Plzeň-město district, Plzeňský kraj) and currently has about 164,180 inhabitants.
Pilsen - the city which is probably most famous for its beer (Plzeňský Prazdroj and Gambrinus) and its engineering industry (mainly Škoda) has, however, also its history. And it has an undoubtedly fascinating history.
The town was founded at the end of the 13th century (although this location was undoubtedly inhabited earlier and even in earlier periods) as a royal town then called Nová Plzeň. And why New Pilsen? Well, about 8 km from today's Pilsen we can find a smaller town called Starý Plzenec (where the famous Bohemia sekt is produced). However, this place used to be more important than today - after all, here we can find the Hůrka fortress, which served as the castle's administrative centre (there are still visible remains here, including the strongest preserved building in the Czech Republic - the Rotunda of St. Peter). However, with the accession of the first Czech hereditary kings, there was also a large-scale change in the system, including the administrative system - the old castle centres began to lose their influence, the domain they could control and, most importantly, from where they could and did take various levies, salaries and other goods or work. This, however, in a way, delayed the development of the state as such and, in truth, the monarch did not benefit enough from this system to pay him. The nobility also came to the fore, although it was not yet the nobility we know today. The influence of the Church was also growing. There was a large-scale foundation of towns and villages on quite different principles from those of the past. Thus Pilsen (today's Starý Plzenec) but especially its castle administrative centre was losing its power - the estates it administered were slowly and surely getting out of its jurisdiction. In 1266 Přemysl Otakar II gave the patronage right over all churches in the castle area and its administered surroundings to the monastery in Chotěšov. At the end of the 13th century, today's Pilsen was founded on a more convenient location. Until the 15th century we can find documents about Stara Plzen, then called Stary Plzenec.

Rožmberský, P. , Novobilský, M., The Royal Castle of Radyně. Plzeň, 1998.
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Tato "nová" mapa zobrazuje město Plzeň tak jak asi nejspíš vypadalo ve století 16ctém.
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Městské opevnění

Hradba - zbytek opevnění města - nachází se a je i součástí muzea piva, které je v budově původního historického pivovárnického domu .
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Kostel sv. Bartoloměje

Kostel sv. Bartoloměje - jenž byl založen v 1. čtvrtině 14. stol. a dále byl přestavěn v letech 1432 - 1470. Jedná se o stavbu, která se může pochlubit tím, že není jiné vyšší stavby v ČR. Výška je 102 m.
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Další zbylá část opevnění nacházející se poblíž Západočeského muzea.
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Detaily téhož opevnění (viz příspěvěk výše).
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Byť je to již přes šedesát let od ukončení 2. sv. války v některých městech se stále ještě dají vidět připomínky na ni nebo na dobu, kdy zde žili německy mluvící obyvatelé. V tomto případě jsem si všiml nedaleko plzeňského náměstí německo-česky psaného ukazatele k protileteckému krytu.
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Litická brána

Vybudována ve 14. století jako jedna ze 4 městských bran. Roku 1804 byla zbořena a následně její torzo bylo zahrnuto do stavby premonstrátské církevní stavby.
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Židovská synagoga

Nachází se v centru města nedaleko náměstí. Je největší v ČR a také jedna z mála zachovaných.
Další fotografie si můžete prohlédnout v této galerii.

Vlastní návštěva, foto vlastní.
Plzeň - Interiér

Plzeň - Synagoga

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Pilsen in 1618

Military Historical Institute Prague
Plzeň - Dobytí Plzně, 1618 - Mědirytina od Simona Halbmayerna (Norimberk cca 1619)

Dobytí Plzně, 1618 - Mědirytina od Simona Halbmayerna (Norimberk cca 1619)
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Austria-Hungary (1867-1918) Austria-Hungary (1867-1918)
Units and offices located in garrison:
Units and military institutions located
within garrison administrative boundaries:
DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters 19th Infantry Division
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYYY Headquarters 37th Infantry Brigade
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Local Headquarters Pilsen
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters Infantry Regiment No. 35
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Machine Gun Detachment I and II of Infantry Regiment No. 35
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY I., II. and IV. battalion of infantry regiment No. 35
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Replacement Body Battalion of Field Hunters No. 6
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Field Gunnery Regiment No. 22
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Departmental Hospital
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Military commissary
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters 41st Infantry Brigade
DD.MM.YYYY-YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Headquarters Provincial Infantry Regiment No.7
DD.MM.YYYY-YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY I. and II. battalion of the No. 7 Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYYY-YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Replacement Battalion of No. 7 Regiment
DD.MM.YYYYY-YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Earth Defence Military Hospital
DD.MM.YYYYY-YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY District Home Guard Command No. 7
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Gendarmerie Department Headquarters No. 5
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 19th Infantry Division Command
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 37th Infantry Brigade Command
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Local Command in Plzen
DD.MM.YYYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 35th Infantry Regiment Command
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 1st and 2nd Machine-Gun Section, 35th Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR 1st, 2nd and 4th Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Replacement Unit 6th Feldjäger Battalion
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 22nd Field Cannon Regiment
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Troops Hospital
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Military Quartermaster Material Depot
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Garrison Prison
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 41st Landwehr Infantry Brigade Command
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 7th Landwehr Infantry Regiment Command
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 1st and 2nd Battalion, 7th Landwehr Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Replacement Battalion, 7th Landwehr Infantry Regiment
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY Landwehr Military Hospital
DD.MM.YYYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 7th Landsturm Distrikt Commando
DD.MM.YYYYY-DD.MM.YYYY 5th Gendarmerie Department Headquarters
"Friedens-Ordre de bataille k. u. k. Heeres, der k. k. und der k. u. Landwehr gültig vom 1.April 1914 (Wien 1914)
Seidels kleines Armeeschema - Dislokation und Einsteilung des k. u. k. k. Heeres, k. u. k. Kriegsmarine, der Landwehr und der königlich ungarischen Landwehr (Wien 1914)"
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city Hall

The renaissance building of the town hall, built according to the plans of Italian architect Giovanni de Statia in the years 1554 to 1559, it belongs to the most valuable sights of the city.

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a Monument to the "Thanks America!" "Thank you America!"

Monument of the liberation of Pilsen by the american army in 1945..
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the Monastery of the redemptorists with the church of st. John of Nepomuk

In the years 1908 to 1911 issued pseudorománský church. In the years 1935 and 1936, when the church built a monastery, which is now used by the POLICE of the Czech republic. The building itself has two 63 m high tower. It is three-nave building with a length of 50 m.

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a Monument to T. G. Masaryk's.
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Church Choir Charles Parish.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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Church of the united methodist church - Maranatha.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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the Monastery of the franciscans with the church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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Republic Square.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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the Plague column.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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st Anne's Church.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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Meat market.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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a Statue of st. John of Nepomuk.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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Sculpture Pieta.
Plzeň - Foto vlastní

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Theater J. To. Tyl.
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Hus the temple.
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