1. švališerský pluk [1939-1939]

1 Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego/1st Light Horse Regiment

1. švališerský pluk
1st Light Horse Regiment
Originální název:
Original Name:
1 Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego
Datum vzniku:
1 Pułk Szwoleżerów
1st Light Horse Regiment
Datum zániku:
26.09.1939 1)
Nadřízené velitelství:
Higher Command:
24.08.1939-12.09.1939 Mazovská jezdecká brigáda
12.09.1939-14.09.1939 bez nadřízeného velitelství 2)
14.09.1939-17.09.1939 Novohradská jezdecká brigáda
17.09.1939-23.09.1939 Jezdecká operační skupina Anders
24.09.1939-26.09.1939 Kresová jezdecká brigáda II
24.08.1939-12.09.1939 Mazowiecka Cavalry Brigade
12.09.1939-14.09.1939 without higher command
14.09.1939-17.09.1939 Nowogródzka Cavalry Brigade
17.09.1939-23.09.1939 Anders Cavalry Operational Group
24.09.1939-26.09.1939 2nd Kresowa Cavalry Brigade
24.08.1939-28.09.1939 Varšava/? /
28.08.1939-30.08.1939 Varšava-Chorzele/přesun /
30.08.1939-01.09.1939 Chorzele/prostor /
02.09.1939 Drążdżewo/prostor /
03.09.1939 Gostkowo/? /
04.09.1939 Rogowo/? /
05.09.1939-07.09.1939 Popowo Kościelne/? /
08.09.1939-09.09.1939 Kuligów-Czarnów/prostor /
10.09.1939 6 km severně Tłuszcz/Grzegorzewo /
11.09.1939 jižně Sulejów/les Krawcowizna /
12.09.1939 Mienia-Siennica-Cegłów-Parysów/přesun /
13.09.1939 Parysów-Puznówka/přesun /
14.09.1939 Łaskarzew/prostor /
15.09.1939-20.09.1939 Jeziorzany-Mejznerzyn-Sobolew-Turowola-Tuczapy/přesun /
21.09.1939-22.09.1939 Tuczapy-Kraczew/přesun /
23.09.1939 Majdan Sopocki-Rybnica/prostor /
24.09.1939 Huta Różaniecka//prostor /
25.09.1939 Horyniec/? /
26.09.1939 Rogóźno/prostor /

Albrecht, Janusz (pułkownik dyplomowany kawalerii)
Podřízené jednotky:
Subordinated Units:
24.08.1939-10.09.1939 1. řadová eskadrona 1. švališerského pluku 3)
24.08.1939-10.09.1939 2. řadová eskadrona 1. švališerského pluku 3)
24.08.1939-26.09.1939 3. řadová eskadrona 1. švališerského pluku
24.08.1939-10.09.1939 4. řadová eskadrona 1. švališerského pluku 3)
24.08.1939-26.09.1939 kulometná eskadrona 1. švališerského pluku
24.08.1939-26.09.1939 protitanková četa 1. švališerského pluku
24.08.1939-2D.09.1939 cyklistická četa 1. švališerského pluku
24.08.1939-2D.09.1939 spojovací četa 1. švališerského pluku
24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 zákopnicko-plynové družstvo 1. švališerského pluku
30.08.1939-03.09.1939; 08.09.1939-11.09.1939 1. baterie 1. oddílu jízdního dělostřelectva 4)
12.09.1939-21(?).09.1939 2. a 4. baterie 1. oddílu jízdního dělostřelectva 5)
12.09.1939-25.09.1939 3. baterie 1. oddílu jízdního dělostřelectva 6)
12.09.1939-26.09.1939 pochodová eskadrona 1. švališerského pluku 7)
12.09.1939-21.09.1939 korouhev Kulesza 7. hulánského pluku (1. a 2. eskadrona) 8)
12.09.1939-21.09.1939 korouhev Wieczorkiewicz 11. hulánského pluku (2. a 3. eskadrona) 8)
24.08.1939-10.09.1939 1st Line Squadron of 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-10.09.1939 2nd Line Squadron of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-26.09.1939 3rd Line Squadron of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-10.09.1939 4th Line Squadron of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-26.09.1939 MG Squadron of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-26.09.1939 Anti-tank Platoon of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-2D.09.1939 Bicycle Platoon of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-2D.09.1939 Signal Platoon of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 Pioneer and Gassy Squad of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
30.08.1939-03.09.1939; 08.09.1939-11.09.1939 1st Battery of the 1st Mounted Artillery Battalion
12.09.1939-21.09.1939 2nd and 4th Battery of the 1st Mounted Artillery Battalion
12.09.1939-25.09.1939 3rd Battery of the 1st Mounted Artillery Battalion
12.09.1939-26.09.1939 Marching Squadron of the 1st Light Horse Regiment
12.09.1939-21.09.1939 Kulesza Guidon of the 7th Uhlans Regiment
12.09.1939-21.09.1939 Wieczorkiewicz Guidon of the 11th Uhlans Regiment
Čestný název:
Honorary Name:
Od prosince 1919(?) „1 Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego“
„1 Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego“
Plukovní bojová zástava byla 19. ledna 1921 vyznamenána za válku 1918-1921 Stříbrným křížem V. třídy Řádu Virtuti Militari.
1) Po boji s 99. střeleckou divizí Rudé Armády v prostoru obce Rogóźno ztratily zbytky pluku kontakt se svou brigádou a velitel pluku utvořil dvě skupiny, které se měly samostatně probíjet na jih. Obě skupiny byly do 03.10.1939 rozprášeny a velitel pluku padl do německého zajetí.
2) Velitel pluku neobdržel rozkaz k ústupu a ztratil spojení se zbytkem Mazovské jezdecké brigády. 14.09.1939 byl navázán kontakt s Jezdeckou operační skupinou Anders a pluk byl dočasně zařazen do sestavy Novohradské jezdecké brigády.
3) Eskadrona byla v brigádní záloze a při ústupu (11.09.1939) a po bojích u obce Leśnogóra ztratila 12.09.1939 kontakt s velitelstvím nejen svého pluku, ale i brigády. Od 12(14?).09.1939 byla v sestavě Flatauovy skupiny.
4) Baterie byla organizačně v sestavě oddílu, ale operačně podléhala veliteli pluku.
5) Tyto jednotky ztratily se svým oddílem kontakt a při ústupu se připojily k 1. švališerskému pluku. 21.09.1939 odešly zpět k Mazovské jezdecké brigádě.
6) Tato baterie ztratila se svým oddílem kontakt a při ústupu se připojila ke 1. švališerskému pluku. 21.09.1939 byla přidělena pluku.
7) Protože pluk měl v té době už pouze jednu svou řadovou eskadronu, tato eskadrona byla jako celek zařazena do jeho sestavy jako řadová. Velitelem eskadrony byl setník v záloze Karol Wickenhagen.
8) Tyto jednotky ztratily se svým plukem kontakt a při ústupu se připojily k 1. švališerskému pluku. 21.09.1939 se vrátily do sestav svých mateřských pluků.

Głowacki, Ludwik: Kampania wrześniowa na Lubelszczyźnie w 1939 roku. Działania wojenne, Wydawnictwo Lubelskie, Lublin 1966
Jurga, Tadeusz, Karbowski, Władysław: Armia „Modlin″ 1939, WIH, MON, Warszawa 1987
Pierwszy Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego 1914-1945, Wydawnictwo LTW, Łomianki
Wojciechowski, Jerzy Staniław: 1 Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Ajaks“, Pruszków 1995
Zarzycki, Piotr: Artyleria konna w 1939 roku, Wydawnictwo „Barwa i Broń″, Warszawa 2007

URL : https://www.valka.cz/1-svalisersky-pluk-1939-1939-t159985#487663 Version : 0

Command the assembly of the regiment:[/heading]

regimental commander – 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 chartered a cavalry colonel Janusz Albrecht 1)
. the deputy commander of the regiment - 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 major cavalry Aleksander Hrynkiewicz 2)
II. the deputy commander of the regiment (the landlord) – 24.08.1939-07.09.1939 a contractual (chartered?) major cavalry Dymitr Szalikaszwili 3)
07.09.1939-26.09.1939 major cavalry mr mieczysław Even Bigoszewski 4)
aide to the commander of the regiment – 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 lieutenant of cavalry Witold Marian Tarnowski 5)
ordonanční officer – 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 second lieutenant of cavalry Jan Kazimierz Kochański 6)
intelligence officer - 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 second lieutenant of cavalry Jan Kazimierz Kochański 6)
arms and the gas officer – 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 second lieutenant of cavalry in reserve mr mieczysław Czyhiryn 7)
24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 ensign of cavalry (chorąży kawalerii) Ryszard Czubowicz 8)
auxiliary (economic) eskadrona – 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 lieutenant cavalry in reserve Edward Ledóchowski 9)
physician – 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 major dr Stefan Tarnawski 10)
veterinarian – 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 captain doctor vet. Piotr Herb 11)
kaplan – 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 kaplan Jan Słoniński 12)
combat train - ?
heavy regimental train – ?
1. eskadrona – 24.08.1939-02.10.1939 centurion mr ludwik Bieńkowski 13)
2. eskadrona – 24.08.1939-02.10.1939 centurion Franciszek Józef Flatau 14)
3. eskadrona – 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 lieutenant of cavalry Stefan Andrzej Orpiszewski 15)
4. eskadrona – 24.08.1939-02.10.1939 centurion Roman Chruszczewski 16)
machine gun eskadrona – 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 centurion Kazimierz Pereświat-Sołtan 17)
marching eskadrona - 12.09.1939-26.09.1939 centurion in reserve Karol Tytus Wickenhagen – 5.1.1901 18)
anti-tank squad – 24.08.1939-26.09.1939 lieutenant of cavalry Bohdan Pawłowicz 19)
communication squad – 28.08.1939-12.09.1939 second lieutenant of cavalry in reserve Stanisław Jastrzębski 20)
12.09.1939-2D.09.1939 ???, ???
bike squad – 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 lieutenant of cavalry Ryszard Jerzy Trętowski 21)
zákopnicko-the gas team – 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 second lieutenant of cavalry in reserve mr mieczysław Czyhiryn(?) 7)
martial train - 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 ???, ???
heavy regimental train - 24.08.1939-DD.09.1939 ???, ???

1) After the surrender of 29.09.1939 in German captivity, from which after a few days away. He got to Warsaw, where at the end of October 1939 joined the resistance within the first resistance organization the Service the victory of Poland (Służba Zwycięstwa Polski (CAP)) – in January 1940 virtually renamed to the Union of armed struggle (Związek Walki Zbrojnej (ZWZ), where in April 1940 he led the III. department of the Main headquarters. From April 1940 to 07.07.1941 was the chief of staff of the Main headquarters of the Union of armed struggle. 07.07.1941 was on a tip arrested by the Gestapo and taken to the city of Kielce. In the interviews agreed with the mission to Warsaw, where he was chief the Union of armed struggle gen With. Roweckému submit to the German offer of abandoning armed activity in exchange for peace by the German safety authorities. 27.08.1941 was released from prison and drove away with the mission to Warsaw. When he was given to understand that his mission will be pointless, 06.09.1941 committed suicide. His accuser, a former officer Przemysław Deżakowski, was in march, 1942, the judgment of the court of Main headquarters of the Provincial army sentenced to death and 05.05.1944 was executed.
2) After the surrender, he escaped capture and returned to Warsaw, where he entered into an armed resistance within the of the Union of armed struggle, 14.02.1942 renamed the the Earth's army. As the commander of the area of the Warszawa-Mokotów took part in the fighting in the Warsaw uprising. After the surrender he was in the German captivity. After the liberation in may 1945, he remained in emigration. He died 15.06.1981 in Montreal at the age of 85 years. 11.11.1942 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
3) In some sources cited as a chartered officer. In the schematism of march 1939 listed as a major. Was the contracting officer of the Georgian nationality. From 07.09.1939 was nesystemizovaným III. deputy commander of the regiment. After the surrender he got into German captivity. After the launch of the German-soviet war was in 1941, freed from captivity, and in 1942 he entered into one of the battalions of the Georgian legion within the Wehrmacht. After the invasion in Normandy on the western front fell into allied captivity. After release from captivity he went to the USA where in 1978 he died. His son, John Schalikaschvili, was in the period 1993-1997 chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the united states.
4) mobilization was II. deputy commander of the regiment. After mobilization, he was commander of the II. echelon (marching) regiment. 07.09.1939 arrived to the regiment and took over his předmobilizační function II. representative and the landlord. After the previous heavy injury was 27.09.1939 captured and treated in one of the krakovských hospitals. DD.11.1939 he was discharged from the hospital and lived in Warsaw. From DD.12.1939, joined the resistance in the Service of the victory of Poland, then of the Union of armed struggle and the Earth's army. In their part was under the nickname "Groch" m. e. commander 1. švališarského regiment of the Provincial army. He participated in the fighting in the Warsaw uprising and after its surrender he got into German captivity. After the liberation (02.05.1945) served in the Polish forces stationed in Germany. After demobilisation he went to France (DD.08.1947) and DD.11.1948 returned to Poland. He lived in Warsaw, where 03.07.1964 died at the age of 65 years. 11.11.1943 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
5) 28.09.1939 was the Germans captured in the village in medyka. After the liberation from captivity (31.01.1945) returned to Poland and lived in Krakow. He died 02.08.1976 at the age of 73 years.
6) 28.09.1939 fell into German captivity, from which now the following day, he ran away. He participated in the resistance in the Service of the victory of Poland. DD.12.1939 he was sent as a courier into Hungary, where he got to France. After the evacuation to Great Britain was iu II. aide to the commander of the 21. hulánského regiment and at the turn of the years 1941/1942 attended a course for intelligence operations in the occupied countries. In the night of 3./4.03.1942 was in operation "Collar" dropped over Poland, where he was relegated to the offensive intelligence of the headquarters of the Provincial army. DD.06.1943 he was transferred to the Regional headquarters of the Provincial army in Lviv. There was 01.11.1943 arrested and taken to Warsaw. From 16.02.1944, when he was conscripted from a prison cell, is missing. Likely to be shot. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant and awarded the Silver cross to Order of Virtuti Militari.
7) As of the arms and the gas officer listed in the job Przemszy-Zielińského. Some sources placing it also as a commander zákopnicko-gas cooperatives. Team he was subordinate as his executive authority, but the squad leader was, according to the posts allocated petty officer. After the surrender he escaped captivity and became heavily involved in resistance activities. As the centurion was under the pseudonym "Brzozowski" in economic governance (kwatermistrzostwo) Mokotovského the perimeter of the Warsaw area home army. He died 22.07.1969 at the age of 65 years.
8) As of the arms and the gas officer stated in the work of Wojciechowski. From DD.09.1939 in the German captivity.
9) After the surrender, he escaped capture and returned to Warsaw, where he joined the armed resistance. In the ranks of the the Earth's army fought in the Warsaw uprising. 08.08.1944 (another source states 07.08.1944) was in his apartment shot dead by a drunken self-proclaimed captain of the rebel chief.
10) 28.09.1939 fell near the village in medyka into German captivity, from which he escape. Since the autumn of 1939 active in the resistance organization, a Secret military organization (the Secret Organizacja Wojskowa). From 1943 he was commander of the Leadership of the diversion of the kraków area the Earth's army (Kierownictwo Dywersji Okręgu Krakowskiego Armii Krajowej). From 20.05.1944 he worked in Warsaw at the Headquarters of the medical service of the headquarters of the Provincial army (Szefostwo Służby Zdrowia Commandery Głównej Armii Krajowej). In the Warsaw uprising organized health service and was m. j. the commander of the field hospital. After the defeat of the rebellion he went with a transport of wounded and sick in Krakow. After the war he returned to Warsaw, where he became the head of healthcare, of the Warsaw military district. In 1947 he was released from the army and until retirement (1973) was devoted to the medical practice. He died 09.11.2001 at the age of 103 years. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel (1943), colonel and 02.10.1994 to the rank of brigadier general. As lieutenant colonel he was awarded the Silver cross to Order of Virtuti Militari.
11) Probably escaped captivity and became heavily involved in resistance activities. In the Warsaw uprising, he was active as a major of the veterinary service. He died 23.04.1992 at the age of 89 years.
12) In 1934 he was called to active duty (?) (starszeństwo from 01.02.1934). In addition to the function of the chaplain of the regiment, he was a manager III. the warsaw parish. It is not listed in the list of captured. Survived the war and after it in Poland devoted to religious practice. He died 19.02.1983 at the age of 84 years.
13) After the surrender of the Riding group "in chełm" probably fell into soviet captivity and was the NKVD murdered. It is not yet listed in the list of the slain.
14) 22(19?).09.1939 he was appointed commander of the vane 1. švališerského regiment within the Riding group "in chełm". After the surrender (02.10.1939) got to the soviet captivity and DD.04.1940 he was in Kharkov murdered.
15) 03.05.1945 died in the concentration camp Neuengamme.
16) After the surrender of the Riding group "in chełm" fell into soviet captivity and DD.04.1940 he was in Kharkov murdered by the NKVD. 05.10.2007 was promoted posthumously to the rank of major.
17) In some sources listed as Kazimierz Pereświet-Sołtan or Kazimierz Sołtan. After the surrender in the German captivity. After the escape and return to Warsaw was from 07.11.1939 arrested and imprisoned in a pow camp. After the liberation he returned to Poland. He died 31.07.1965 in Warsaw at the age of 67 years.
18) After the surrender, he escaped capture. He joined the resistance movement in the conspiracy organization subordinate to the Polish government-in-exile "Uprawa". Later he was an officer the Earth's army and under the code on behalf of the "Pobóg" was the commander of a separate eskadrony 1. švališerského regiment of the Provincial army, which in 1944 became the reconnaissance eskadronou 2. the legion infantry division of the Provincial army. For health reasons in October 1944 demobilized. In 1945 he went to Italy, where he served in the 25. hulánském regiment 5. kresové infantry division. After the demobilization remained in the Uk and later moved to Argentina, where he studied the breeding of horses. 04.12.1952 fell off the horse so badly, that 06.12.1952 died of his injuries at the age of 51 years.
19) After the surrender he fell into German captivity. After the liberation he remained in the Někecku. From 05.04.1946 was the commander of the platoon and from 01.06.1946 deputy commander of the guard company (kompania wartownicza) 4021 formed on the basis of the former Świętokrzyskie brigade of the National armed forces (Brygada Świętokrzyska Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych).
20) As a lieutenant in the reserve is shown in the work of Wojciechowski. As the lieutenant reported it Przemsza-Zieliński and as a lieutenant in the reserve Pereświat-Sołtan. In the schematism of march 1939 (Rocznik Oficerski 1939) is not listed. Wojciechowski stated that with the parts of the coupling of the platoon joined 16.09.1939 to the Flatauově group. It is not listed in the list of losses not captured. It is also not listed in the list of murdered by the NKVD.
21) After the surrender, he escaped capture and returned to Warsaw, where he entered into an armed resistance within the of the Union of armed struggle, 14.02.1942 renamed the the Earth's army. Codenamed "Ryś" was m. j. deputy chief 1. švališerského regiment of the Provincial army, in whose ranks he fought in the Warsaw uprising. After the war he lived in Warsaw, where 05.09.1961 died at the age of 50 years.


Głowacki, mr ludwik: Kampania wrześniowa on Lubelszczyźnie w 1939 of the year. Działania wojenne, Wydawnictwo Lubelskie, Lublin 1966
Pierwszy Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego 1914-1945, Wydawnictwo LTW, Łomianki
Pereświet-Sołtan, Kazimierz: Relacja, Instytut Polski i Muzeum im. gen Sikorskiego, london calling, sign. B.Also.24/B/4
Przemsza-Zieliński, Jan: Wrześniowa so that księga refers to chwały kawalerii polskiej, Wydawnictwo Bellona, Warszawa 1995
Fish, Ryszard-Stepan, Kamil: Rocznik Oficerski 1939, Księgarnia Akademicka Fundacji Czynu Niepodległościowego, Kraków 2006
Wojciechowski, Jerzy Staniław: 1 Pułk Szwoleżerów Józefa Piłsudskiego, Oficyna Wydawnicza "Prefecture", Pruszków 1995
URL : https://www.valka.cz/1-svalisersky-pluk-1939-1939-t159985#522860 Version : 0
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